Class TLcdOGCFilterSchemaLocationsMap11

All Implemented Interfaces:
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@Deprecated public class TLcdOGCFilterSchemaLocationsMap11 extends TLcdGML3SchemaLocationsMap
A schema locations map that contains the default OGC Filter 1.1 and GML schema locations, included in the LuciadLightspeed distribution. It can still be extended with application-specific other schema locations.

This class is part of the older filter decoder/encoder. Please upgrade to the new TLcdXMLEncoder and TLcdXMLDecoder.

  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdOGCFilterSchemaLocationsMap11

      public TLcdOGCFilterSchemaLocationsMap11()
      Creates a new schema locations map, initialized with the default locations, included in the LuciadLightspeed distribution.