Interface ILcdLimitedEditablePartitionedGraph<N,E>

All Superinterfaces:
ILcdGraph<N,E>, ILcdPartitionedGraph<N,E>
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdLimitedEditablePartitionedGraph, TLcdPartitionedGraph

public interface ILcdLimitedEditablePartitionedGraph<N,E> extends ILcdPartitionedGraph<N,E>
An ILcdLimitedEditablePartitionedGraph is a partitioned graph with editable internal boundaries, and to which partitions can be added (or removed). The partitions themselves must not be editable.

All methods for editing the internal boundaries or partitions will modify the partitioned graph structure as well as the 'normal' graph structure (e.g. addPartition will result in a partition being added, but also in the addition of all the nodes and edges in that partition to this graph) and will thus generate two events: a TLcdPartitionedGraphChangedEvent and a TLcdGraphChangedEvent. Therefore, all editing method have two fire event modes: one for the partitioned graph event, and one for the normal graph event that is generated.
  • Method Details

    • canAddBoundaryEdge

      boolean canAddBoundaryEdge(E aEdge, N aStartNode, N aEndNode)
      Returns true if the given boundary edge can be added to this partitioned graph, false otherwise. More specifically, a boundary edge can be added to this graph if the following conditions are met:
      • the boundary edge is not null
      • the boundary edge is not yet part of this graph
      • the given nodes are both part of this graph
      • the given nodes are part of different partitions
      • the boundary edge satisfies all additional implementation-specific requirements (see the documentation of the implementing class).
      aEdge - the edge to be verified.
      aStartNode - the first node that should be connected by the given edge.
      aEndNode - the second node that should be connected by the given edge.
      true if the boundary edge can be added to this graph, false otherwise.
    • addBoundaryEdge

      void addBoundaryEdge(E aEdge, N aStartNode, N aEndNode, int aPartitionedGraphFireEventMode, int aGraphFireEventMode)
      Adds the given edge to the boundary graph of this partitioned graph.
      aEdge - the edge that should be added.
      aStartNode - the start node of the edge.
      aEndNode - the end node of the edge.
      aPartitionedGraphFireEventMode - the mode for sending out the TLcdPartitionedGraphChangedEvent This can be one of ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_NOW, ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_LATER or ILcdFireEventMode.NO_EVENT.
      aGraphFireEventMode - the mode for sending out the TLcdGraphChangedEvent This can be one of ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_NOW, ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_LATER or ILcdFireEventMode.NO_EVENT.
      canAddBoundaryEdge(aEdge, aStartNode, aEndNode) - Note: this validation is potentially expensive, and should be avoided whenever possible.
      NullPointerException - if one of the arguments is null.
    • canRemoveBoundaryEdge

      boolean canRemoveBoundaryEdge(E aEdge)
      Returns true if the given boundary edge can be removed from this graph, false otherwise. More specifically, a boundary edge can be remove from this graph if the following conditions are met:
      • the boundary edge is not null
      • the boundary edge is part of the boundary graph of this partitioned graph
      aEdge - the boundary edge to be verified.
      true if the boundary edge can be removed from this graph, false otherwise.
    • removeBoundaryEdge

      E removeBoundaryEdge(E aEdge, int aPartitionedGraphFireEventMode, int aGraphFireEventMode)
      Removes the given boundary edge from the boundary graph of this partitioned graph.
      aEdge - the boundary edge that should be removed.
      aPartitionedGraphFireEventMode - the mode for sending out the TLcdPartitionedGraphChangedEvent This can be one of ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_NOW, ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_LATER or ILcdFireEventMode.NO_EVENT.
      aGraphFireEventMode - the mode for sending out the TLcdGraphChangedEvent This can be one of ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_NOW, ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_LATER or ILcdFireEventMode.NO_EVENT.
      canRemoveBoundaryEdge(aEdge) - Note: this validation is potentially expensive, and should be avoided whenever possible.
      the boundary edge that was removed.
      NullPointerException - if the given edge is null.
    • canRemoveBoundaryEdges

      boolean canRemoveBoundaryEdges(ILcdGraph<N,E> aPartition)
      Returns true if the boundary edge connected to the given partition can be removed from this graph, false otherwise. More specifically, the boundary edges connected to the given partition can be removed from this graph if the following conditions are met:
      • the partition is not null
      • the partition is part of this partitioned graph
      aPartition - the partition to be verified.
      true if the boundary edges connected to the given partition can be removed from this graph, false otherwise.
    • removeBoundaryEdges

      Enumeration<E> removeBoundaryEdges(ILcdGraph<N,E> aPartition, int aPartitionedGraphFireEventMode, int aGraphFireEventMode)
      Removes all boundary edges that are connected to the given partition.
      aPartition - the partition whose boundary edges should be removed.
      aPartitionedGraphFireEventMode - the mode for sending out the TLcdPartitionedGraphChangedEvent This can be one of ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_NOW, ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_LATER or ILcdFireEventMode.NO_EVENT.
      aGraphFireEventMode - the mode for sending out the TLcdGraphChangedEvent This can be one of ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_NOW, ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_LATER or ILcdFireEventMode.NO_EVENT.
      canRemoveBoundaryEdges(aPartition) - Note: this validation is potentially expensive, and should be avoided whenever possible.
      an enumeration with all edges that have been removed.
      NullPointerException - if the given partition is null.
    • clearBoundaryGraph

      void clearBoundaryGraph(int aPartitionedGraphFireEventMode, int aGraphFireEventMode)
      Clears the boundary graph of this partitioned graph, i.e. all its boundary edges and boundary nodes are removed from its boundary graph.
      aPartitionedGraphFireEventMode - the mode for sending out the TLcdPartitionedGraphChangedEvent. This can be one of ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_NOW, ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_LATER or ILcdFireEventMode.NO_EVENT.
      aGraphFireEventMode - the mode for sending out the TLcdGraphChangedEvent. This can be one of ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_NOW, ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_LATER or ILcdFireEventMode.NO_EVENT.
    • canAddPartition

      boolean canAddPartition(ILcdGraph<N,E> aPartition)
      Returns true if the given partition can be added to this partitioned graph, false otherwise. More specifically, a partition can be added to this graph if the following conditions are met:
      • the partition is not null
      • the partition is not yet part of this graph
      • the partition contains no nodes or edges that are already part of this graph
      • the partition satisfies all additional implementation-specific requirements (see the documentation of the implementing class).
      aPartition - the partition to be verified.
      true if the partition can be added to this graph, false otherwise.
    • addPartition

      void addPartition(ILcdGraph<N,E> aPartition, int aPartitionedGraphFireEventMode, int aGraphFireEventMode)
      Adds a partition to this graph.

      From the moment a partition is added to the partitioned graph, the client becomes partly responsible himself for maintaining the invariants of the partitioned graph in which it is contained. More specifically, the user should always check himself whether adding a node or an edge to a partition, will not violate the invariants that each node and edge should be unique within a graph (the partitioned graph it is part of, in this case).

      The most easy way to edit partitions without violating the invariants, is to use the edit methods of the partitioned graph, instead of using the methods of the partition directly. These methods will guarantee that no invariant shall be violated.

      aPartition - the partition to be added to this graph.
      aPartitionedGraphFireEventMode - the mode for sending out the TLcdPartitionedGraphChangedEvent. This can be one of ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_NOW, ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_LATER or ILcdFireEventMode.NO_EVENT.
      aGraphFireEventMode - the mode for sending out the TLcdGraphChangedEvent. This can be one of ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_NOW, ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_LATER or ILcdFireEventMode.NO_EVENT.
      canAddPartition(aPartition) - Note: this validation is potentially expensive, and should be avoided whenever possible.
    • canRemovePartition

      boolean canRemovePartition(ILcdGraph<N,E> aPartition)
      Returns true if the given partition can be removed from this partitioned graph, false otherwise. More specifically, a partition can be removed from this graph if the following conditions are met:
      • the partition is not null
      • the partition is part of this graph
      • there are no boundary edges in this graph, connected to the given partition
      aPartition - the partition to be verified.
      true if the partition can be removed from this graph, false otherwise.
    • removePartition

      void removePartition(ILcdGraph<N,E> aPartition, int aPartitionedGraphFireEventMode, int aGraphFireEventMode)
      Removes the given partition from this graph. A partition can only be removed if there are no connections any more between that partition and the other partitions.

      By removing a partition, modifications to the partition have no influence any more on this graph, and can no longer violate its invariants.

      aPartition - the partition to be removed from this graph.
      aPartitionedGraphFireEventMode - the mode for sending out the TLcdPartitionedGraphChangedEvent. This can be one of ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_NOW, ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_LATER or ILcdFireEventMode.NO_EVENT.
      aGraphFireEventMode - the mode for sending out the TLcdGraphChangedEvent. This can be one of ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_NOW, ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_LATER or ILcdFireEventMode.NO_EVENT.
      canRemovePartition(aPartition) - Note: this validation is potentially expensive, and should be avoided whenever possible.
    • clear

      void clear(int aPartitionedGraphFireEventMode, int aGraphFireEventMode)
      Clears the graph; all partitions are removed from this graph and the boundary graph is cleared. Note that no recursive clearing is done, i.e. all partitions remain unmodified and can still be used on their own. By clearing the graph, modifications to any of these partitions have no influence any more on this graph, and can no longer violate the invariants of this graph.
      aPartitionedGraphFireEventMode - the mode for sending out the TLcdPartitionedGraphChangedEvent. This can be one of ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_NOW, ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_LATER or ILcdFireEventMode.NO_EVENT.
      aGraphFireEventMode - the mode for sending out the TLcdGraphChangedEvent. This can be one of ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_NOW, ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_LATER or ILcdFireEventMode.NO_EVENT.
    • fireCollectedPartitionedGraphChanges

      void fireCollectedPartitionedGraphChanges()
      Fires all the collected partitioned graph changes, i.e., all partitioned graph events that have been generated using the ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_LATER mode, after the previous call to fireCollectedPartitionedGraphChanges(). Note that afireCollectedPartitionedGraphChanges() call is made whenever a partitioned graph event is generated in the ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_NOW, to guarantee the correct order of the events.
    • fireCollectedGraphChanges

      void fireCollectedGraphChanges()
      Fires all the collected graph changes, i.e., all graph events that have been generated using the ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_LATER mode, after the previous call to fireCollectedGraphChanges(). Note that a fireCollectedGraphChanges() call is made whenever a graph event is generated in the ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_NOW, to guarantee the correct order of the events.
    • boundaryEdgeChanged

      void boundaryEdgeChanged(E aBoundaryEdge, int aPartitionedGraphFireEventMode, int aGraphFireEventMode)
      This method should be called when the given boundary edge has changed.
      aBoundaryEdge - the boundary edge that has changed.
      aPartitionedGraphFireEventMode - the mode for sending out the TLcdPartitionedGraphChangedEvent This can be one of ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_NOW, ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_LATER or ILcdFireEventMode.NO_EVENT.
      aGraphFireEventMode - the mode for sending out the TLcdGraphChangedEvent This can be one of ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_NOW, ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_LATER or ILcdFireEventMode.NO_EVENT.
      getBoundaryGraph().containsBoundaryEdge(aBoundaryEdge) - Note: this validation is potentially expensive, and should be avoided whenever possible.
    • boundaryEdgesChanged

      void boundaryEdgesChanged(Vector<E> aBoundaryEdges, int aPartitionedGraphFireEventMode, int aGraphFireEventMode)
      This method should be called when the given boundary edges have changed.
      aBoundaryEdges - a vector containing the boundary edges that have changed.
      aPartitionedGraphFireEventMode - the mode for sending out the TLcdPartitionedGraphChangedEvent This can be one of ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_NOW, ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_LATER or ILcdFireEventMode.NO_EVENT.
      aGraphFireEventMode - the mode for sending out the TLcdGraphChangedEvent This can be one of ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_NOW, ILcdFireEventMode.FIRE_LATER or ILcdFireEventMode.NO_EVENT.
      for each boundaryEdge in the given vector should hold that: getBoundaryGraph().containsBoundaryEdge(boundaryEdge) - Note: this validation is potentially expensive, and should be avoided whenever possible.