Class TLcyDomainObjectContext


public class TLcyDomainObjectContext extends TLcdDomainObjectContext
This context object defines everything related to a domain object: the ILcdModel in which it is contained, and the ILcdLayer and the ILcdView in which it is displayed.

This class if for example used by the Object Properties action. This action creates instances of this class, and creates a customizer panel for it using the factories available as service.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcyDomainObjectContext

      public TLcyDomainObjectContext(Object aDomainObject, ILcdModel aModel)
      Creates a new context instance.
      aDomainObject - The domain object for which this object provides the context. This must not be null.
      aModel - The ILcdModel that contains the aDomainObject. This must not be null.
    • TLcyDomainObjectContext

      public TLcyDomainObjectContext(Object aDomainObject, ILcdModel aModel, ILcdLayer aLayer, ILcdView aView)
      Creates a new context instance.
      aDomainObject - The domain object for which this object provides the context. This must not be null.
      aModel - The ILcdModel that contains the aDomainObject. This must not be null.
      aLayer - The ILcdLayer in which aModel is displayed. This may be null if this information is not available.
      aView - The ILcdView in which aLayer is displayed. This may be null if this information is not available.
  • Method Details

    • getModel

      public ILcdModel getModel()
      Returns the model in which the domain object is contained.
      getModel in class TLcdDomainObjectContext
      The model in which the domain object is contained. Will never be null.