Class ALcyDefaultModelDescriptorFactory


public abstract class ALcyDefaultModelDescriptorFactory extends Object

Factory to create ILcdModelDescriptors. This factory is typically registered as a service to ILcyLucyEnv.

Contrary to a lot of other factories that can be registered to (a manager of) ILcyLucyEnv, this factory does not have a canCreate facility (or something similar by throwing IllegalArgumentException from the create method). So if several ALcyModelDescriptorFactorys are registered to ILcyLucyEnv, there is no programmatic way to choose one. Instead, only the end user can choose which one to use, which explains the need for a displayName property. For an example of how that can work, please refer to TLcyCreateGXYLayerAction.

  • Constructor Details

    • ALcyDefaultModelDescriptorFactory

      protected ALcyDefaultModelDescriptorFactory()
      Creates a new ALcyDefaultModelDescriptorFactory.
  • Method Details

    • getDisplayName

      public String getDisplayName()

      Returns the display name (that can be presented to an end-user) for this factory.

      The default implementation returns the display name of a model descriptor created by createDefaultModelDescriptor().

      the display name (that can be presented to an end-user) for this factory.
    • createDefaultModelDescriptor

      public abstract ILcdModelDescriptor createDefaultModelDescriptor()
      Creates an ILcdModelDescriptor that is ready to be used. An example use could be to pass the created descriptor to an ILcdModelFactory.
      an ILcdModelDescriptor that is ready to be used.