Class TLcyCompositeCameraLinkerFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcyCompositeCameraLinkerFactory extends TLcyGenericComposite<ALcyCameraLinkerFactory>

Composite implementation of ALcyCameraLinkerFactory.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

  • Method Details

    • canCreateCameraLinker

      public boolean canCreateCameraLinker(ILcyGenericMapComponent<? extends ILcdView,? extends ILcdLayer> aMapComponent, String aType, List<Object> aObjects, List<ILcdModel> aModels)

      Consults the leaf ALcyCameraLinkerFactory instances to see if this composite factory can create an ALcyCameraLinker. It respects the priority of the ALcyCameraLinkerFactory instances: factories with a higher priority will be consulted before factories with a lower priority.

      aMapComponent - The map component in which the camera linker should link the camera.
      aType - The camera type. See general javadoc of this class.
      aObjects - The objects to track. See general javadoc of this class.
      aModels - The models belonging to the objects. Should have same size as aObjects.
      true if it can create a camera linker, false if not.
      See Also:
    • createCameraLinker

      public ALcyCameraLinker createCameraLinker(ILcyGenericMapComponent<? extends ILcdView,? extends ILcdLayer> aMapComponent, String aType, List<Object> aObjects, List<ILcdModel> aModels)

      This composite implementation consults all the leaf ALcyCameraLinkerFactory instances to create an ALcyCameraLinker. It respects the priority of the ALcyCameraLinkerFactory instances: factories with a higher priority will be consulted before factories with a lower priority.

      aMapComponent - The map component in which the camera linker should link the camera.
      aType - The camera type. See general javadoc of this class.
      aObjects - The objects to track. See general javadoc of this class.
      aModels - The models belonging to the objects. Should have same size as aObjects.
      The newly created camera linker, can never be null.
      IllegalArgumentException - When no camera linker factory compatible with the given parameters is part of this composite factory, an exception will be thrown. Therefore we suggest to only call this method if #canCreateCameraLinker returned true for the given parameters.