Class TLcyVerticalViewComponentFactory


public class TLcyVerticalViewComponentFactory extends ALcyVerticalViewComponentFactory
This factory creates the vertical view panel for the vertical view addon. The panel is created and put together in small steps, so that any of these steps can be modified without having to rewrite everything.

For an example of how to use these GUI factories, please look at TLcyMapComponentFactory.

See Also:
  • Field Details


      public static final int VERTICAL_VIEW_CONTROL_BAR_COMPONENT
      Constant for the createComponent and insertComponent methods that indicates the control bar component. It is the component that is by default at the top of the vertical view.
      See Also:

      public static final int ALTITUDE_RANGE_SLIDER_COMPONENT
      Constant for the createComponent and insertComponent methods that indicates the altitude range slider component. It is the component that is by default at the right of the vertical view.
      See Also:

      public static final int LEFT_RIGHT_OFFSET_RANGE_SLIDER_COMPONENT
      Constant for the createComponent and insertComponent methods that indicates the altitude range slider component. It is the component that is by default below the vertical view.
      See Also:

      public static final int SAVE_VERTICAL_VIEW_AS_IMAGE_ACTION
      Constant for the insertAction and createAction methods that indicates the action to save the vertical view as an image, e.g. jpg or png.
      See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcyVerticalViewComponentFactory

      public TLcyVerticalViewComponentFactory()
      Creates a new TLcyVerticalViewComponentFactory. You will have to set the TLcyVerticalViewAddOn and the ILcyLucyEnv before using it.
    • TLcyVerticalViewComponentFactory

      public TLcyVerticalViewComponentFactory(TLcyVerticalViewAddOn aVerticalViewAddOn, ILcyLucyEnv aLucyEnv)
      Creates a new TLcyVerticalViewComponentFactory for the given TLcyVerticalViewAddOn and ILcyLucyEnv.
      aVerticalViewAddOn - The vertical view addon to create a panel for.
      aLucyEnv - The lucy env.
  • Method Details

    • createVerticalViewComponent

      public Component createVerticalViewComponent()
      Creates the Component that contains the vertical view and all controls.
      Specified by:
      createVerticalViewComponent in class ALcyVerticalViewComponentFactory
      A component with the vertical view.
    • setVerticalViewName

      protected void setVerticalViewName(String aName, Component aVerticalViewComponent)
      Sets the given name as the name of the given vertical view component.
      aName - The name that is to be set on the vertical view component.
      aVerticalViewComponent - The vertical view component under construction.
    • createVerticalViewName

      protected String createVerticalViewName(Component aVerticalViewComponent)
      Creates a name for the given vertical view.
      aVerticalViewComponent - The vertical view component under construction.
      A name for the vertical view component
    • insertAction

      protected void insertAction(int aID, ILcdAction aAction, Component aVerticalViewPanel)
      Inserts the action with the given ID in the Lucy user interface, for example in ILcyLucyEnv.getMainMenuBar().
      aID - The ID of the action. One of the constants of this class ending in ACTION.
      aAction - The action to insert.
      aVerticalViewPanel - The vertical view panel that is being created, provided as contextual information.
    • createAction

      protected ILcdAction createAction(int aID, Component aVerticalViewPanel)
      Creates an action for the given ID.
      aID - The ID of the action. One of the constants of this class ending in ACTION.
      aVerticalViewPanel - The vertical view panel that is being created, provided as contextual information.
      The ILcdAction that is created for the given ID.
    • finalizeCreation

      protected void finalizeCreation(Container aVerticalViewPanel)
      Method called to finalize the creation process. Can be used for clean up tasks etc.
      aVerticalViewPanel - The vertical view panel under construction.
    • createVVJPanel

      protected TLcdVVJPanel createVVJPanel()
      Creates the TLcdVVJPanel, the most important component of the vertical view.
      the TLcdVVJPanel.
    • insertVVJPanel

      protected void insertVVJPanel(TLcdVVJPanel aVVJPanel, Container aVerticalViewPanel)
      Inserts the vertical view into the aVerticalViewPanel.
      aVVJPanel - The vertical view to insert.
      aVerticalViewPanel - The panel to insert the vertical view into.
    • createComponent

      protected Component createComponent(int aID, Container aVerticalViewPanel)
      Creates a component for the eventual VV component. Note that the created component must not be inserted into the given aVerticalViewPanel. The inserting is done by insertComponent.
      aID - The id that indicates which component to create. One of constants that ends with COMPONENT.
      aVerticalViewPanel - The vertical view panel this component is created for.
      The created component.
      See Also:
    • insertComponent

      protected void insertComponent(int aID, Component aComponent, Container aVerticalViewPanelSFCT)
      Inserts the given component into the given aPreviewPanelSFCT.
      aID - The id that was used to create the given aComponent.
      aComponent - The component to insert.
      aVerticalViewPanelSFCT - The panel to insert the component into.
      See Also: