Class TLcyTabbedPaneLucyEnvFactory


public class TLcyTabbedPaneLucyEnvFactory extends Object
A factory to create ILcyLucyEnvs that have a tabbed pane based application pane factory.

Please refer to samples.lucy.frontend.tabbedpanes.TabbedPanesFrontendMain for an example on how to use this factory.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcyTabbedPaneLucyEnvFactory

      public TLcyTabbedPaneLucyEnvFactory()
  • Method Details

    • createLucyEnv

      public ILcyLucyEnv createLucyEnv(JTabbedPane[] aApplicationPaneContainerArray, JMenuBar aMainMenuBar)
      Equivalent of createLucyEnv( aApplicationPaneContainerArray, aMainMenuBar, true ).
      Equivalent of createLucyEnv( aApplicationPaneContainerArray, aMainMenuBar, true ).
      See Also:
    • createLucyEnv

      public ILcyLucyEnv createLucyEnv(JTabbedPane[] aApplicationPaneContainerArray, JMenuBar aMainMenuBar, boolean aMergeMenuBars)
      Equivalent of createLucyEnv( aApplicationPaneContainerArray, new TLcyMenuBar( aMainMenuBar ), aMergeMenuBars ).

      Also makes sure the correct help manager is set to the created TLcyMenuBar.

      Equivalent of createLucyEnv( aApplicationPaneContainerArray, new TLcyMenuBar( aMainMenuBar ), aMergeMenuBars ).
      See Also:
    • createLucyEnv

      public ILcyLucyEnv createLucyEnv(JTabbedPane[] aApplicationPaneContainerArray, ILcyMenuBar aMainMenuBar, boolean aMergeMenuBars)
      Creates a new ILcyLucyEnv. It is the responsibility of the user of this class to make the tabbed panes visible by adding them to e.g. a JFrame.
      aApplicationPaneContainerArray - The array of tabbed panes to add the panels of the addons to. Application panes (from addons) at location 0 will be added to the first tabbed pane, etc. Note that it is the responsibility of the user of this class to make the tabbed panes visible, e.g. by adding them to a JFrame.
      aMainMenuBar - The main menu bar for the application.
      aMergeMenuBars - If true, the menu items of the menu bar of the active map component (ILcyMapComponent.getMenuBar()) are automatically added to the main menu bar. When the active map component changes (ILcyMapManager.setActiveMapComponent()), the menu items corresponding to the previous active map component will be removed and the menu items corresponding to the new active map component will be added. Default is true.
      The newly created ILcyLucyEnv.
    • createLucyEnv

      public ILcyLucyEnv createLucyEnv(Container aSingleMapContainer, JTabbedPane[] aApplicationPaneContainerArray)
      Equivalent of createLucyEnv( aSingleMapContainer, aApplicationPaneContainerArray, new JMenuBar() ).
      Equivalent of createLucyEnv( aSingleMapContainer, aApplicationPaneContainerArray, new JMenuBar() ).
      See Also:
    • createLucyEnv

      public ILcyLucyEnv createLucyEnv(Container aSingleMapContainer, JTabbedPane[] aApplicationPaneContainerArray, JMenuBar aMainMenuBar)
      Equivalent of createLucyEnv( aSingleMapContainer, aApplicationPaneContainerArray, aMainMenuBar, true ).
      Equivalent of createLucyEnv( aSingleMapContainer, aApplicationPaneContainerArray, aMainMenuBar, true ).
      See Also:
    • createLucyEnv

      public ILcyLucyEnv createLucyEnv(Container aSingleMapContainer, JTabbedPane[] aApplicationPaneContainerArray, JMenuBar aMainMenuBar, boolean aMergeMenuBars)
      Equivalent of createLucyEnv( aSingleMapContainer, aApplicationPaneContainerArray, new TLcyMenuBar( aMainMenuBar ), aMergeMenuBars ).

      Also makes sure the correct help manager is set to the created TLcyMenuBar.

      Equivalent of createLucyEnv( aSingleMapContainer, aApplicationPaneContainerArray, new TLcyMenuBar( aMainMenuBar ), aMergeMenuBars ).
      See Also:
    • createLucyEnv

      public ILcyLucyEnv createLucyEnv(Container aSingleMapContainer, JTabbedPane[] aApplicationPaneContainerArray, ILcyMenuBar aMainMenuBar, boolean aMergeMenuBars)
      Creates a new ILcyLucyEnv. This method is useful if you want a single map application. The map will be added to the given aSingleMapContainer. However, if more than one map is present, tabs will appear to be able to select all of them.

      All actions from the menu bar of that single map will also be put in the given main menu bar.

      aSingleMapContainer - The container to add maps to. Application panes with location 0 will be added here. Note that it is the responsibility of the user of this class to make the aSingleMapContainer visible, e.g. by adding it to a JFrame.
      aApplicationPaneContainerArray - The tabbed panes. Application panes (from addons) with location 1 and bigger will be added in the respective tabbed pane. Note that it is the responsibility of the user of this class to make the tabbed panes visible, e.g. by adding them to a JFrame.
      aMainMenuBar - The main menu bar of the application.
      aMergeMenuBars - If true, the menu items of the menu bar of the active map component (ILcyMapComponent.getMenuBar()) are automatically added to the main menu bar. When the active map component changes (ILcyMapManager.setActiveMapComponent()), the menu items corresponding to the previous active map component will be removed and the menu items corresponding to the new active map component will be added. Default is true.
      The newly created ILcyLucyEnv.
    • createLucyEnv

      public ILcyLucyEnv createLucyEnv(Container[] aContainers, JMenuBar aMainMenuBar)
      Equivalent of createLucyEnv( aContainers, aMainMenuBar, true ).
      Equivalent of createLucyEnv( aContainers, aMainMenuBar, true ).
      See Also:
    • createLucyEnv

      public ILcyLucyEnv createLucyEnv(Container[] aContainers, JMenuBar aMainMenuBar, boolean aMergeMenuBars)
      Equivalent of createLucyEnv( aContainers, new TLcyMenuBar( aMainMenuBar ), aMergeMenuBars ).

      Also makes sure the correct help manager is set to the created TLcyMenuBar.

      Equivalent of createLucyEnv( aContainers, new TLcyMenuBar( aMainMenuBar ), aMergeMenuBars ).
      See Also:
    • createLucyEnv

      public ILcyLucyEnv createLucyEnv(Container[] aContainers, ILcyMenuBar aMainMenuBar, boolean aMergeMenuBars)
      Creates a new ILcyLucyEnv.
      aContainers - The containers to put the application panes from the plugged addons in. Application panes at index 0 will be added to the first container etc. When more than one application pane needs to be added to a single container, tabs will appear (and disappear) automatically. In case one or more of the given containers are JTabbedPane's, tabs will of course always be visible. Note that it is the responsibility of the user of this class to make the containers visible, e.g. by adding them to a JFrame.
      aMainMenuBar - The main menu bar for the application.
      aMergeMenuBars - If true, the menu items of the menu bar of the active map component (ILcyMapComponent.getMenuBar()) are automatically added to the main menu bar. When the active map component changes (ILcyMapManager.setActiveMapComponent()), the menu items corresponding to the previous active map component will be removed and the menu items corresponding to the new active map component will be added. Default is true.
      The newly created ILcyLucyEnv.