Class TLcdGenericGeodeticDatumFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdGeodeticDatumFactory, Serializable

public class TLcdGenericGeodeticDatumFactory extends Object implements ILcdGeodeticDatumFactory, Serializable
ILcdGeodeticDatumFactory implementation that creates TLcdGeodeticDatum objects based on the 7 (or 10) parameters that define the geodetic datum.

The properties read are:

Property name Default value
x 0
y 0
z 0
rotx 0
roty 0
rotz 0
scale 1.0
px 0.0
py 0.0
pz 0.0
name Geodetic datum

The geodetic datum is based on an ellipsoid, which is defined by two additional properties:

Property name Default value
a --
1overf --

The TLcdGeodeticDatum generated has WGS84 as a reference datum.

See Also: