Class ALfnCoverage

public abstract class ALfnCoverage extends ALfnResource<ALfnCoverageMetadata>
Provides the description of the coverage and also functionality to put, get and delete individual tiles of the coverage. A coverage defines a multi-level grid of tiles that must share the following characteristics:
  • data type ELfnDataType, for example IMAGE or ELEVATION
  • (native) geographic reference, for example WGS 84 geodetic system
  • (native) tile format, for example jpg or png

By default, the coverage operations implemented in this class throw an UnsupportedOperationException. Implementations of this class should override and implement the operation methods that need to be supported.

Implementations of this class are thread-safe.

User data

You can associate arbitrary binary data with a coverage using its user data. Each coverage has a key-blob store that you can use to store your own data.

This user data is stored on the Tile Store itself, so you can access from anywhere. When the coverage is removed, the user data is also removed.

Note: this store is not optimized for very frequent access, large blobs or many keys.
