Class TLfnTransactionStatus


public class TLfnTransactionStatus extends Object
A representation of the transaction status on the server. A transaction status represents the latest transaction which has been committed on the server. Transactions are useful for tracking commitment of asynchronous write operations on the server, for instance tile addition.

A logical transaction is uniquely identified by two properties:

  1. transaction management ID
  2. transaction ID
The transaction management ID is normally fixed and only changes in server failure scenarios. If the client has outstanding transactions with a different management ID, it has to discard its transactions and possibly retry them.

The transaction ID is sequential, given a fixed transaction management ID. The transaction status only tracks the highest committed transaction ID, confirming commitment of all transactions with lower transaction ID. In other words, the highest committed transaction ID indicates that all outstanding transactions of the same management ID and a lower or equal transaction ID have been committed.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLfnTransactionStatus

      public TLfnTransactionStatus(long aTransactionManagementId, long aHighestCommittedTransactionId)
      Constructs a new transaction status.
      aTransactionManagementId - the unique transaction management ID
      aHighestCommittedTransactionId - the highest committed transaction ID
  • Method Details

    • getTransactionManagementId

      public long getTransactionManagementId()
      Gets the unique transaction management ID.
      the unique transaction management ID
    • getHighestCommittedTransactionId

      public long getHighestCommittedTransactionId()
      Gets the highest committed transaction ID.
      the highest committed transaction ID
    • isCommitted

      public boolean isCommitted(long aTransactionId)
      Returns whether a specified transaction has been committed in this state.
      aTransactionId - the transaction ID
      true if the transaction with ID aTransactionId has been committed in this state.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object