Class TLcdVPFModelDecoder.ModelType

Enclosing class:

public static final class TLcdVPFModelDecoder.ModelType extends Object
Type-safe enumeration containing the model types that are available in VPF.
  • Field Details


      public static final TLcdVPFModelDecoder.ModelType ON_THE_FLY_MODEL
      This model is a lazy-loaded model; its features are only loaded into memory when they are first needed. The model uses some caching, but all caches are soft-referenced. VPF feature objects are reused and should therefore not be referenced (see the next section for more information on referencing objects). The more memory is available, the better the model will perform (less cache misses).

      public static final TLcdVPFModelDecoder.ModelType IN_MEMORY_MODEL
      This model is a conventional LuciadLightspeed model, loaded fully into memory at once when the model is created.

      public static final TLcdVPFModelDecoder.ModelType HYBRID_MODEL
      This model also is a lazy-loaded model, closing the gap between the in-memory and the on-the-fly model. It uses caches, of which the most frequently accessed ones are permanently kept in memory, while the others are soft-referenced (resulting in a higher minimum memory requirement than the on-the-fly model, but also a more consistent performance). The more memory is available, the better the model will perform (less cache misses).
  • Method Details