Class TLcdUSRPDatasetModelDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdImageModelDescriptor, ILcdModelDescriptor, Serializable

public class TLcdUSRPDatasetModelDescriptor extends TLcdRasterModelDescriptor implements ILcdImageModelDescriptor
A TLcdRasterModelDescriptor for models containing USRP/ASRP/ADRG data. The descriptor contains the information present in a Quality File (QAL).
See Also:
  • "The UTM/UPS Standard Raster Product Specification (USRP, Edition 1.3, August 1997)"
  • "The ARC Standard Raster Product Specification (ASRP, Edition 1.2, March 1995)"
  • "ARC Digitized Graphics (ADRG, MIL-A-89007, February 1990)"
  • Serialized Form
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdUSRPDatasetModelDescriptor

      public TLcdUSRPDatasetModelDescriptor(String aSourceName, String aDisplayName)
      Creates a new TLcdUSRPDatasetModelDescriptor with the given source name and display name.
  • Method Details

    • getSecurityClassification

      public char getSecurityClassification()
      Returns the Security Classification.
    • setSecurityClassification

      public void setSecurityClassification(char aSecurityClassification)
      Sets the Security Classification.
    • getDowngradingInstructions

      public boolean getDowngradingInstructions()
      Returns the Downgrading Instructions.
    • setDowngradingInstructions

      public void setDowngradingInstructions(boolean aDowngradingInstructions)
      Sets the Downgrading Instructions.
    • getDowngradingDate

      public String getDowngradingDate()
      Returns the Downgrading Date.
    • setDowngradingDate

      public void setDowngradingDate(String aDowngradingDate)
      Sets the Downgrading Date.
    • getReleasability

      public String getReleasability()
      Returns the Releasability.
    • setReleasability

      public void setReleasability(String aReleasability)
      Sets the Releasability.
    • getEditionNumber

      public String getEditionNumber()
      Returns the Edition Number.
    • setEditionNumber

      public void setEditionNumber(String aEditionNumber)
      Sets the Edition Number.
    • getCreationDate

      public String getCreationDate()
      Returns the Creation Date.
    • setCreationDate

      public void setCreationDate(String aCreationDate)
      Sets the Creation Date.
    • getRevisionDate

      public String getRevisionDate()
      Returns the Revision Date.
    • setRevisionDate

      public void setRevisionDate(String aRevisionDate)
      Sets the Revision Date.
    • getRecompilationCount

      public int getRecompilationCount()
      Returns the Recompilation Count.
    • setRecompilationCount

      public void setRecompilationCount(int aRecompilationCount)
      Sets the Recompilation Count.
    • getRevisionCount

      public int getRevisionCount()
      Returns the Revision Count.
    • setRevisionCount

      public void setRevisionCount(int aRevisionCount)
      Sets the Revision Count.
    • getSpecificationID

      public String getSpecificationID()
      Returns the Specification ID.
    • setSpecificationID

      public void setSpecificationID(String aSpecificationID)
      Sets the Specification ID.
    • getSpecificationDate

      public String getSpecificationDate()
      Returns the Specification Date.
    • setSpecificationDate

      public void setSpecificationDate(String aSpecificationDate)
      Sets the Specification Date.
    • getSpecificationAmendment

      public String getSpecificationAmendment()
      Returns the Specification Amendment.
    • setSpecificationAmendment

      public void setSpecificationAmendment(String aSpecificationAmendment)
      Sets the Specification Amendment.
    • getEarliestSourceDate

      public String getEarliestSourceDate()
      Returns the Earliest Source Date.
    • setEarliestSourceDate

      public void setEarliestSourceDate(String aEarliestSourceDate)
      Sets the Earliest Source Date.
    • getLatestSourceDate

      public String getLatestSourceDate()
      Returns the Latest Source Date.
    • setLatestSourceDate

      public void setLatestSourceDate(String aLatestSourceDate)
      Sets the Latest Source Date.
    • getColorModel

      public ColorModel getColorModel()
      Returns the Color Model.
    • setColorModel

      public void setColorModel(ColorModel aColorModel)
      Sets the Color Model.
    • getHorizontalAccuracyDescriptorCount

      public int getHorizontalAccuracyDescriptorCount()
      Returns the number of Horizontal Accuracy Descriptors.
    • getHorizontalAccuracyDescriptor

      public TLcdUSRPAccuracyDescriptor getHorizontalAccuracyDescriptor(int aIndex)
      Returns the Horizontal Accuracy Descriptor with the given index.
    • setHorizontalAccuracyDescriptors

      public void setHorizontalAccuracyDescriptors(TLcdUSRPAccuracyDescriptor[] aHorizontalAccuracyDescriptors)
      Sets the Horizontal Accuracy Descriptors.
    • getVerticalAccuracyDescriptorCount

      public int getVerticalAccuracyDescriptorCount()
      Returns the number of Vertical Accuracy Descriptors.
    • getVerticalAccuracyDescriptor

      public TLcdUSRPAccuracyDescriptor getVerticalAccuracyDescriptor(int aIndex)
      Returns the Vertical Accuracy Descriptor with the given index.
    • setVerticalAccuracyDescriptors

      public void setVerticalAccuracyDescriptors(TLcdUSRPAccuracyDescriptor[] aVerticalAccuracyDescriptors)
      Sets the Vertical Accuracy Descriptors.
    • getLegendCount

      public int getLegendCount()
      Returns the number of legends.
    • getLegend

      public TLcdUSRPLegend getLegend(int aIndex)
      Returns the legend with the given index.
    • setLegends

      public void setLegends(TLcdUSRPLegend[] aLegends)
      Sets the legends.