Class TLcdS52ConditionalSymbology

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdS52ConditionalSymbology, ILcdS52StyleProvider

public class TLcdS52ConditionalSymbology extends Object implements ILcdS52ConditionalSymbology
This ILcdS52ConditionalSymbology implements the S-52 conditional symbology procedures. Procedures that are not yet supported are skipped. In such cases, default values are used.

Before the conditional symbology can be used, an object class map, an attribute class map, and a symbology have to be set.

The following mariner's settings can be specified:

  • Safety contour (default = 30m),
  • Shallow contour (default = 2m),
  • Deep contour (default = 30m),
  • Two shades (default = true),
  • Shallow pattern (default = false),
These settings are used by conditional symbology procedures 'DEPARE01', 'DEPCNT02', 'SEABED01', and 'SNDFRM02'.
See Also: