Interface ILcdS52ConditionalSymbology

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public interface ILcdS52ConditionalSymbology extends ILcdS52StyleProvider
This interface defines the mariner's settings of the S-52 conditional symbology procedures. The settings are:
  • Safety contour (default = 30m),
  • Shallow contour (default = 2m),
  • Deep contour (default = 30m),
  • Two shades (default = true),
  • Shallow pattern (default = false),
These settings are used by conditional symbology procedures 'DEPARE', 'DEPCNT', 'SEABED', and 'SNDFRM'.

This interface should not be implemented by users; TLcdS52ConditionalSymbology implements this interface and provides a full implementation of the S-52 conditional symbology.

  • Field Details

  • Method Details

    • setS57ObjectClassMap

      void setS57ObjectClassMap(ILcdS57ObjectClassMap aS57ObjectClassMap)
      Sets the object class map.
    • getS57ObjectClassMap

      ILcdS57ObjectClassMap getS57ObjectClassMap()
      Returns the object class map.
    • setS57AttributeClassMap

      void setS57AttributeClassMap(ILcdS57AttributeClassMap aS57AttributeClassMap)
      Sets the attribute class map.
    • getS57AttributeClassMap

      ILcdS57AttributeClassMap getS57AttributeClassMap()
      Returns the attribute class map.
    • setS52Symbology

      void setS52Symbology(ILcdS52Symbology aS52Symbology)
      Sets the unconditional symbology on which this conditional symbology is based.
    • getS52Symbology

      ILcdS52Symbology getS52Symbology()
      Returns the symbology.
    • setSafetyDepth

      void setSafetyDepth(double aSafetyDepth)
      Sets the safety depth.
    • getSafetyDepth

      double getSafetyDepth()
      Returns the safety depth.
    • setSafetyContour

      void setSafetyContour(double aSafetyContour)
      Sets the safety contour.
    • getSafetyContour

      double getSafetyContour()
      Returns the safety contour.
    • getDeepContour

      double getDeepContour()
      Returns the deep contour.
    • setDeepContour

      void setDeepContour(double aDeepContour)
      Sets the deep contour.
    • getShallowContour

      double getShallowContour()
      Returns the shallow contour.
    • setShallowContour

      void setShallowContour(double aShallowContour)
      Sets the shallow contour.
    • isShallowPattern

      boolean isShallowPattern()
      Returns true if the option 'shallow pattern' is enabled.
    • setShallowPattern

      void setShallowPattern(boolean aShallowPattern)
      Enables/disables the option 'shallow pattern'.
    • isShowIsolatedDangersInShallowWater

      boolean isShowIsolatedDangersInShallowWater()
      Returns true if the option 'show isolated dangers in shallow water' is enabled.
    • setShowIsolatedDangersInShallowWater

      void setShowIsolatedDangersInShallowWater(boolean aShowIsolatedDangersInShallowWater)
      Enables/disables the option 'show isolated dangers in shallow water'.
    • isTwoShades

      boolean isTwoShades()
      Returns true if the option 'two shades' is enabled.
    • setTwoShades

      void setTwoShades(boolean aTwoShades)
      Enables/disables the option 'two shades'.