Class TLcdGMLTransformerBuilder


public class TLcdGMLTransformerBuilder extends Object
Builder for TLcdGMLTransformer instances.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdGMLTransformerBuilder

      public TLcdGMLTransformerBuilder(TLcdDataModel aDataModel)
      Creates a builder for the given source data model. This data model should NOT depend on GML.
      aDataModel - the source data model
  • Method Details

    • idFactory

      Sets the IdFactory that this builder should use. If no factory is provided, a simple default implementation is used.
      aIdFactory - the id factory to be used by the GML transformation
      this builder object
    • useSimpleFeaturesProfile

      public TLcdGMLTransformerBuilder useSimpleFeaturesProfile()
      Directs the builder to construct a GML transformer that follows the GML simple features profile. Simple features are primarily features whose geometry is limited to points, lines, and polygons (and collections of these).

      The compliance level is derived from the source model.
      This setting only applies to GML version 3.1 and 3.2.

      this builder object
    • forceUseOfLinearGmlElements

      public TLcdGMLTransformerBuilder forceUseOfLinearGmlElements()
      Directs the builder to construct a GML transformer that always uses linear GML elements. This ensures that lines and polygons (i.e., ILcdPolyline and ILcdPolygon instances) are respectively encoded as GML LineString and LinearRing elements, regardless of the interpolation of the input geometries defined by ILcdCurve.getInterpolation(). Note that this interpolation does define the resulting interpolation of the linear GML elements - e.g., a geodetic ILcdPolyline results in a GML LineString with geodesic interpolation

      Without forcing the use of linear GML elements, lines and polygons with a geodesic interpolation are encoded as GML GeodesicString elements.

      Forcing the use linear GML elements can be useful in case of 3rd party software components that do not support the GML GeodesicString element. Note that this only changes the type of GML element being used; it does not trigger any discretization step.
      This setting only applies to GML version 3.1 and 3.2. The default setting is false.

      this builder object
    • omitFeatureCollectionType

      public TLcdGMLTransformerBuilder omitFeatureCollectionType()
      Directs the builder to create a GML transformer that omits the FeatureCollection type for the used GML data model. By default, this type is included, aligned with the default GML encoding behavior to use an encompassing GML feature collection element that contains the GML features.

      Omitting this type can be required if a custom FeatureCollection type is used by the encoder. This is the case in a WFS environment, in which the GML features are encoded in a WFS-specific FeatureCollection element.

      this builder object
    • targetNamespaceURI

      public TLcdGMLTransformerBuilder targetNamespaceURI(String aNamespaceURI)
      Sets the target namespace for the GML application schema that is to be created. This will also be the name of the target data model.
      aNamespaceURI - the namespace to use for the GML application schema
      this builder object
    • gmlDataModel

      public TLcdGMLTransformerBuilder gmlDataModel(TLcdDataModel aGMLDataModel)
      Sets the GML data model that the target data model should extend. The data model should be one of
      • TLcdGML2DataTypes.getDataModel()
      • TLcdGML31DataTypes.getDataModel()
      • TLcdGML32DataTypes.getDataModel()
      aGMLDataModel - the GML data model that should be extended
      this builder object
    • build

      public TLcdGMLTransformer build()
      Creates a new GML transformation.
      a new GML transformation