Class TLcdGML32Definition

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdDataObject, ILcdCloneable, ILcdDeepCloneable, Cloneable
Direct Known Subclasses:
TLcdGML32Dictionary, TLcdGML32UnitDefinition, TLcdISO19115AffineCS, TLcdISO19115CartesianCS, TLcdISO19115ClAlternativeExpression, TLcdISO19115CodeAlternativeExpression, TLcdISO19115CodeDefinition, TLcdISO19115CompoundCRS, TLcdISO19115ConcatenatedOperation, TLcdISO19115Conversion, TLcdISO19115CoordinateSystemAlt, TLcdISO19115CoordinateSystemAxis, TLcdISO19115CoordinateSystemAxisAlt, TLcdISO19115CrsAlt, TLcdISO19115CylindricalCS, TLcdISO19115DatumAlt, TLcdISO19115DerivedCRS, TLcdISO19115Ellipsoid, TLcdISO19115EllipsoidalCS, TLcdISO19115EllipsoidAlt, TLcdISO19115EngineeringCRS, TLcdISO19115EngineeringDatum, TLcdISO19115GeodeticCRS, TLcdISO19115GeodeticDatum, TLcdISO19115ImageCRS, TLcdISO19115ImageDatum, TLcdISO19115LinearCS, TLcdISO19115OperationAlt, TLcdISO19115OperationMethod, TLcdISO19115OperationMethodAlt, TLcdISO19115OperationParameter, TLcdISO19115OperationParameterAlt, TLcdISO19115OperationParameterGroup, TLcdISO19115PassThroughOperation, TLcdISO19115PolarCS, TLcdISO19115PrimeMeridian, TLcdISO19115PrimeMeridianAlt, TLcdISO19115ProjectedCRS, TLcdISO19115SphericalCS, TLcdISO19115TemporalCRS, TLcdISO19115TemporalDatum, TLcdISO19115TimeCS, TLcdISO19115Transformation, TLcdISO19115UserDefinedCS, TLcdISO19115VerticalCRS, TLcdISO19115VerticalCS, TLcdISO19115VerticalDatum

public class TLcdGML32Definition extends TLcdGML32DefinitionBase
The basic gml:Definition element specifies a definition, which can be included in or referenced by a dictionary. The content model for a generic definition is a derivation from gml:AbstractGMLType. The gml:description property element shall hold the definition if this can be captured in a simple text string, or the gml:descriptionReference property element may carry a link to a description elsewhere. The gml:identifier element shall provide one identifier identifying this definition. The identifier shall be unique within the dictionaries using this definition. The gml:name elements shall provide zero or more terms and synonyms for which this is the definition. The gml:remarks element shall be used to hold additional textual information that is not conceptually part of the definition but is useful in understanding the definition.
  • Field Details


      public static final TLcdDataProperty REMARKS_PROPERTY
      Data property that maps to the remarks element. The possible values for this property are instances of String.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdGML32Definition

      public TLcdGML32Definition()
    • TLcdGML32Definition

      public TLcdGML32Definition(TLcdDataType aType)
  • Method Details

    • getRemarks

      public String getRemarks()
      Returns the value of the property that maps to the remarks element.
      the value of the REMARKS_PROPERTY property.
    • setRemarks

      public void setRemarks(String aValue)
      Sets the value of the property that maps to the remarks element.
      aValue - the value to set for the REMARKS_PROPERTY property.