Interface ILcdGML3Ring

All Superinterfaces:
ILcdGML3AbstractGeometry, ILcdGML3AbstractGML, ILcdGML3AbstractRing, ILcdGML3SrsInformationGroup, ILcdGML3SrsReferenceGroup, ILcdGML3StandardObjectProperties

public interface ILcdGML3Ring extends ILcdGML3AbstractRing
This class has been deprecated. The GML decoders and encoders in the com.luciad.format.gml3.* packages are replaced by new decoders and encoders in the packages com.luciad.format.gml2.xml, com.luciad.format.gml31.xml and com.luciad.format.gml32.xml.
Interface for the gml:RingType type.

A Ring is used to represent a single connected component of a surface boundary. It consists of a sequence of curves connected in a cycle (an object whose boundary is empty). A Ring is structurally similar to a composite curve in that the endPoint of each curve in the sequence is the startPoint of the next curve in the Sequence. Since the sequence is circular, there is no exception to this rule. Each ring, like all boundaries, is a cycle and each ring is simple. NOTE: Even though each Ring is simple, the boundary need not be simple. The easiest case of this is where one of the interior rings of a surface is tangent to its exterior ring.

(GML Specification, v3.1.0, paragraph

  • Method Details

    • getCurveMember

      ILcdGML3CurveProperty getCurveMember(int aIndex)
      Returns the curve property at the given index.
      aIndex - the index of the curve property to be returned.
      the curve property at the given index.
      IndexOutOfBoundsException - if aIndex < 0 || aIndex >= getCurveMemberCount()
    • getCurveMemberCount

      int getCurveMemberCount()
      Returns the number of curve properties that define this ring.
      the number of curve properties that define this ring.
    • setCurveMembers

      void setCurveMembers(ILcdGML3CurveProperty[] aCurveMembers)
      Sets the curve properties that define this ring.
      aCurveMembers - the curve properties that define this ring.