Interface ILcdEarthAsset

All Superinterfaces:
Comparable, ILcdBounded
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdEarthAsset, TLcdEarthClippedRasterAsset, TLcdEarthRasterAsset

public interface ILcdEarthAsset extends ILcdBounded, Comparable
Represents a single item of source data for use with the 3D terrain preprocessor. Each asset corresponds to an ILcdModel. Assets are lazily loaded during preprocessing, so instead of referencing an ILcdModel directly, they contain a source name and an ILcdModelDecoder. Assets must be ILcdBounded to facilitate lazy loading. They must also implement Comparable so as to define a sort order in case multiple assets overlap the same area.
  • Method Details

    • getSourceName

      String getSourceName()
      Returns the source name from which this asset can be decoded.
      the source name from which this asset can be decoded
    • getModelDecoder

      ILcdModelDecoder getModelDecoder()
      Returns the model decoder that can decode this asset.

      The model decoder may be null.

      the model decoder that can decode this asset or null
    • getBounds

      ILcdBounds getBounds()
      Returns the bounds of this asset, expressed in the model reference of the model that contains this asset.
      Specified by:
      getBounds in interface ILcdBounded
      the bounds of this asset
      See Also:
    • getCoverageType

      Returns the coverage type the asset is intended for.
      the asset's coverage type
    • getModificationDate

      Date getModificationDate()
      Returns the date the asset was last modified. This can be used to check whether the preprocessed 3D terrain repository needs updating for the area covered by this asset.
      date of the last asset modification