How WFS data filtering works
In line with the OGC WFS standard, the WFS server supports the filtering of data through OGC Filters. If clients include
an OGC Filter in their requests, the WFS server automatically applies it to the requested data.
It forwards the filter to the ILcdModel
behind the data, through its query
method. That way, you can filter the data directly at the source,
because the model implementation holds the information for accessing it. For instance, the model for a
database format automatically converts the filter to a SQL query, which filters the data directly in the database.
A TLcdWFSFilteredModelFactory
sets up this data filtering pipeline.
When and how to customize WFS data filtering
These sections discuss use cases for which you need to customize the WFS data filtering pipeline. They also show you how you can do that for each case.
Extending OGC Filter with a custom function
The OGC Filter standard offers an extension mechanism. You can use it to plug in functions that support custom filtering logic.
To learn how to create such a function, and plug it into the main OGC Filter evaluator class
, see How to add a custom function to OGC Filter.
The WFS server automatically picks up such functions. Program: Adding an OGC Filter function illustrates this use case
by creating a function to calculate the area of a feature.
static {
// Register a custom OGC Filter function to calculate the geodesic area of a feature in square meters.
// Supported geometries are polygons, complex polygons and shape lists containing them.
TLcdEllipsoid ellipsoid = new TLcdEllipsoid();
TLcdOGCFilterEvaluator.registerDefaultFunction(TLcdXMLName.getInstance( new QName("geodesicArea")), new ILcdEvaluatorFunction() {
public int getArgumentCount() {
// No client arguments needed for this function.
// We just calculate the geodesic area based on the features residing in the WFS.
return 0;
public Object apply(Object[] aArguments, Object aCurrentObject, TLcdOGCFilterContext aOGCFilterContext) {
// We assume that the supported objects implement ILcdShape
if (aCurrentObject instanceof ILcdShape) {
return calculateArea((ILcdShape) aCurrentObject);
// In all other cases, we return 0.
else {
return 0;
private double calculateArea(ILcdShape aShape) {
try {
return TLcdEllipsoidUtil.geodesicArea(aShape, ellipsoid);
} catch (IllegalArgumentException e) {
return 0;
Customizing the OGC Filter evaluation
To evaluate an OGC Filter, you need to interpret the content of a filter. The filter consists of a set of feature identifiers or conditions that operate on the feature properties. You can customize both aspects to meet your filter evaluation needs.
Customizing the evaluation of the feature identifier
To customize the evaluation of feature identifiers, you can create your own
. You use that interface to find the unique identifier (ID) of each feature in your data set. The default implementation relies
on the optional TLcdPrimaryKeyAnnotation
to find the property that has the unique identifier. To change that for your data, create your own feature ID retriever, and
return it in the getFeatureIDRetriever
method of ILcdWFSFeatureType
when you define the features types of your WFS server.
Customizing the evaluation of feature conditions
To customize the evaluation of feature conditions, you create an implementation of ILcdOGCFilterEvaluator
. To install it on the WFS server, create your own ILcdWFSFilteredModelFactory
that returns the evaluator in its factory method createFilterEvaluator
. You can then register the filtered model factory with the WFS server through the factory method
in ALcdOGCWFSCommandDispatcherFactory
Customizing the OGC Filter propagation to the model
By default, the WFS server forwards a filter to the model of the requested feature type. It’s then up to the model implementation to evaluate the filter, and apply it to the data source. If you customized the OGC Filter evaluation logic, the WFS server does the evaluation itself, because the data source of the model, a database for example, doesn’t know about the customization.
You can customize that behavior by creating your own implementation of the method createFilteredModel
in ILcdWFSFilteredModelFactory
To use it in the WFS server, return it in the factory method createFilteredModelFactory
As a starting point, Program: Creating a custom filtered model shows the creation of a fully functional filtered model
that forwards the filter to the model.
private ILcdOGCFilterEvaluator fFilterEvaluator = new TLcdOGCFilterEvaluator();
public TLcdOGCFilterCapabilities getFilterCapabilities() {
return fFilterEvaluator.getFilterCapabilities();
public ILcdModel createFilteredModel(ILcdModel aSourceModel, TLcdWFSGetFeatureConstraints aConstraints) throws TLcdWFSServiceException {
if (aConstraints.getPropertyCount() > 0) {
throw new IllegalStateException("Property name filtering not supported by this ILcdWFSFilteredModelFactory");
return createFilteredModel(
private ILcdModel createFilteredModel(final ILcdModel aSourceModel, final ILcdWFSFeatureType aFeatureType,
TLcdOGCFilter aFilterDefinition, TLcdOGCSortBy aSortBy,
int aMaxFeatures, TLcdWFSRequestContext aRequestContext) throws TLcdWFSServiceException {
ILcdModel filteredModel = aSourceModel;
if ((aFilterDefinition != null) || (aMaxFeatures >= 0) || (aSortBy != null)) {
filteredModel = new FilteredModel(aSourceModel, null, aFilterDefinition != null ? aFilterDefinition.getCondition() : null, null, aSortBy, aMaxFeatures);
return filteredModel;
private static class FilteredModel implements ILcdIntegerIndexedModel, ILcdBounded {
private final ILcdModel fModel;
private final ILcdOGCCondition fOGCFilter;
private final ILcdBounds fBounds;
private final ILcdFilter fFilter;
private final TLcdOGCSortBy fSortBy;
private final int fLimit;
private ILcdBounds fCachedBounds;
private SoftReference<List<Object>> fCachedElementsReference = new SoftReference<>(null);
* Creates a new filtered model.
* @param aModel The original model.
* @param aBounds The output bounds. Note that this is only for getBounds. Add a BBOX operator to the OGC filter below. Optional: if null, the bounds will be calculated from the data.
* @param aOGCFilter An OGC filter, including BBOX if applicable. Use null if not applicable.
* @param aFilter A non-OGC filter. Use null if not applicable.
* @param aSortBy A sorting order. Use null if not applicable.
* @param aMaxFeatures Max features. Use -1 if not applicable.
public FilteredModel(ILcdModel aModel, ILcdBounds aBounds, ILcdOGCCondition aOGCFilter, ILcdFilter aFilter, TLcdOGCSortBy aSortBy, int aMaxFeatures) {
fModel = aModel;
fOGCFilter = aOGCFilter;
fBounds = aBounds;
fFilter = aFilter;
fSortBy = aSortBy;
fLimit = aMaxFeatures;
public ILcdModel getModel() {
return fModel;
// Implementations for ILcdModel
public ILcdModelDescriptor getModelDescriptor() {
return fModel.getModelDescriptor();
public ILcdModelEncoder getModelEncoder() {
return fModel.getModelEncoder();
public ILcdModelReference getModelReference() {
return fModel.getModelReference();
public boolean canAddElement(Object aObject) {
return fModel.canAddElement(aObject);
public void addElement(Object aObject, int aEventMode) {
fModel.addElement(aObject, aEventMode);
public void addElements(Vector aObjects, int aEventMode) {
fModel.addElements(aObjects, aEventMode);
public boolean canRemoveElement(Object aObject) {
return fModel.canRemoveElement(aObject);
public void removeElement(Object aObject, int aEventMode) {
fModel.removeElement(aObject, aEventMode);
public void removeElements(Vector aObjects, int aEventMode) {
fModel.removeElement(aObjects, aEventMode);
public void removeAllElements(int aEventMode) {
public void elementChanged(Object aObject, int aEventMode) {
fModel.elementChanged(aObject, aEventMode);
public void elementsChanged(Vector aObjects, int aEventMode) {
fModel.elementsChanged(aObjects, aEventMode);
public void fireCollectedModelChanges() {
public void addModelListener(ILcdModelListener aModelListener) {
public void removeModelListener(ILcdModelListener aModelListener) {
public void dispose() {
// Implementations for ILcdBounded
public ILcdBounds getBounds() {
if (fBounds != null) {
return fBounds;
if (fCachedBounds == null) {
fCachedBounds = calculateBounds();
return fCachedBounds;
// Implementations for ILcdModel
public Enumeration elements() {
// Thread.dumpStack();
return enumerate(getSortedAndFilteredElementsCached());
// Implementations for ILcdIntegerIndexedModel
public int size() {
return getSortedAndFilteredElementsCached().size();
public Object elementAt(int aIndex) {
return getSortedAndFilteredElementsCached().get(aIndex);
public int indexOf(Object aObject) {
return getSortedAndFilteredElementsCached().indexOf(aObject);
// Actual work
private List<Object> getSortedAndFilteredElementsCached() {
List<Object> elements = fCachedElementsReference.get();
if (elements == null) {
long start = System.currentTimeMillis();
try (Stream<Object> stream = doQuery()) {
elements = stream.collect(Collectors.toList());
fCachedElementsReference = new SoftReference<>(elements);
return elements;
private Stream<Object> doQuery() {
ILcdModel.Query query = filter(fOGCFilter).sorted(fSortBy);
if (fLimit >= 0 && fFilter == null) { // only apply back-end limit if no post-filtering is done
query = query.limit(fLimit);
Stream<Object> results = fModel.query(query);
if (fFilter != null) {
results = results.filter(fFilter);
if (fLimit >= 0) {
results = results.limit(fLimit);
return results;
private void invalidate() {
fCachedBounds = null;
fCachedElementsReference = new SoftReference<>(null);
private ILcdBounds calculateBounds() {
ILcd2DEditableBounds modelBounds = null;
for (Object element : getSortedAndFilteredElementsCached()) {
ILcdBounds elementBounds = ALcdBounds.fromDomainObject(element);
if (elementBounds != null) {
if (modelBounds == null) {
modelBounds = elementBounds.cloneAs2DEditableBounds();
} else {
return modelBounds;
private static <T> Enumeration<T> enumerate(Iterator<T> s) {
return new Enumeration<T>() {
public boolean hasMoreElements() {
return s.hasNext();
public T nextElement() {
private static <T> Enumeration<T> enumerate(Iterable<T> s) {
return enumerate(s.iterator());