Each model, either an existing model or a custom one, contains a set of properties describing the data of the model. Some of those properties are of no added value for an end user, such as a database identifier for a model element. Some models even store their geometry as a property. This geometry is necessary to correctly visualize the elements of the model, but the exact coordinates of the points defining an underlying polyline, for instance, do not bring any added value in a properties table.
Therefore, it is possible to annotate certain properties with the TLcdHiddenDataPropertyAnnotation.java
. When you use this annotation, the property and its value are automatically removed from the properties window in the LuciadLightspeed
samples. The property and its value are also removed from the Lucy UI, with an immediate effect on:
The table view (Ctrl+T) does not show a column for hidden properties
The filter on the table view
The object properties window
The label filtering tool
In this short how-to, you will learn how to annotate properties so that they are hidden in your end user application
Hiding properties
Hiding properties of existing models
This section shows you how to hide properties of existing models based on their name.
This is not a unique identifier, so if multiple properties have the same name, they will all get the hidden annotation. |
Code snippet
static void annotatePropertiesAsHidden(ILcdModel aModel, List<String> aPropertyNames) {
ILcdModelDescriptor aModelDescriptor = aModel.getModelDescriptor();
if (aModelDescriptor instanceof ILcdDataModelDescriptor) {
TLcdDataModel dataModel = ((ILcdDataModelDescriptor) aModelDescriptor).getDataModel();
annotatePropertiesAsHidden(dataModel, aPropertyNames);
static void annotatePropertiesAsHidden(TLcdDataModel aDataModel, List<String> propertyNames) {
boolean annotated = false;
for (TLcdDataType aDataType : aDataModel.getDeclaredTypes()) {
for (String aPropertyName : propertyNames) {
TLcdDataProperty property = aDataType.getProperty(aPropertyName);
if (property != null) {
property.addAnnotation(new TLcdHiddenDataPropertyAnnotation());
annotated = true;
if (!annotated) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException(
"This datamodel " + aDataModel.getName() +
" has no DataTypes containing properties with the given names: " +
Hiding properties of custom models
This snippet shows you how to hide properties for a custom model, while building its dataModel
Code snippet
static TLcdDataType annotateCustomModelProperties() {
TLcdDataModelBuilder builder = new TLcdDataModelBuilder(
// Define the types and their properties
// We choose to annotate the id as hidden, since it brings no useful information to the end-user
// We choose to annotate the lonlat point as hidden, since this holds the geometry
TLcdDataTypeBuilder myNavaidBuilder = builder.typeBuilder("NavaidType");
myNavaidBuilder.addProperty("name", TLcdCoreDataTypes.STRING_TYPE);
myNavaidBuilder.addProperty("id", TLcdCoreDataTypes.STRING_TYPE)
.annotate(new TLcdHiddenDataPropertyAnnotation());
myNavaidBuilder.addProperty("type", TLcdCoreDataTypes.STRING_TYPE);
myNavaidBuilder.addProperty("lonlatpoint", TLcdCoreDataTypes.OBJECT_TYPE)
.annotate(new TLcdHiddenDataPropertyAnnotation());
// Finalize the creation
TLcdDataModel dataModel = builder.createDataModel();
TLcdDataType type = dataModel.getDeclaredType("NavaidType");
// make sure LuciadLightspeed finds the geometry
type.addAnnotation(new TLcdHasGeometryAnnotation(type.getProperty("lonlatpoint")));
return type;