As described in the TEA Visibility reference guide, the calculation quality and performance are determined by:

  • The step size used to discretize the observed shape

  • The step size used in the actual visibility calculation

Those step sizes are exposed through the ILcyVisibilityCalculationPropertiesProvider interface.

The default implementation of the interface retrieves its values from the configuration file TLcyShapeVisibilityAddOn.cfg. By changing the configuration options in that file, you can alter the step sizes for all calculations.

If you need custom step sizes, you can replace the properties provider with a custom one. The provider is created in the TLcyShapeVisibilityAddOn. You can replace it by overriding the createVisibilityCalculationPropertiesProvider method.

See How to manually retrigger the calculations for more information on how to re-trigger the calculations.

Switching elevation providers also impacts the performance and quality of the calculations.