The TEA visibility add-on detects most of the changes that influence the result of the visibility calculations automatically. For example, actions such as moving the observer and adding or removing elevation layers all automatically re-trigger the visibility calculations.

However, there are scenarios that motivate you to re-trigger the calculations manually. For example, you may want to re-calculate the visibility after changing the quality settings through the ILcyVisibilityCalculationPropertiesProvider.

To trigger a re-calculation, fire a model change for the observers for which you want to re-calculate the results:

//The calculations will be retriggered when the observer is changed.
//So firing a model change event for one or more observers will ensure that all calculations involving that observer
//are redone
try (TLcdLockUtil.Lock autoUnlock = TLcdLockUtil.writeLock(aShapeObserverModel)) {
  //Simply indicate that the observer has changed. No need to make an actual change
  aShapeObserverModel.elementChanged(aShapeObserver, ILcdModel.FIRE_LATER);
} finally {