Interface ILcdGLBuffer

All Known Subinterfaces:
ILcdGLByteBuffer, ILcdGLCharBuffer, ILcdGLDoubleBuffer, ILcdGLFloatBuffer, ILcdGLIntBuffer, ILcdGLLongBuffer, ILcdGLNIOBuffer, ILcdGLShortBuffer

public interface ILcdGLBuffer
Please use OpenGL API entry points that accept NIO buffers or primitive arrays as input
An abstraction of a java.nio.Buffer. ILcdGLBuffer is used in the Luciad abstract OpenGL binding as a common mechanism to pass arrays of data to OpenGL. It is up to the implementation (i.e. to the concrete OpenGL binding) to decide how buffers are handled. The optimal path, if the binding supports it, is to effectively use NIO buffers.