Class ALspEditHandleResult<E extends EventObject>

Direct Known Subclasses:
TLspEditHandleResult, TLspEditHandleResultFX

public abstract class ALspEditHandleResult<E extends EventObject> extends Object
Represents the result of an edit handle when it has processed an incoming user interaction event.

The result contains two items:

  • A TLspEditOperation which specifies the editing operation that is to be done.
  • An EventObject that contains a partially consumed interaction event when the incoming event was not fully used to generate the edit event. Or, when the incoming event was used completely, this attribute will be null.

In practice, depending on the toolkit being used, applications will work with either TLspEditHandleResult (for Swing and AWT) or TLspEditHandleResultFX (for JavaFX). This class is not intended to be implemented by API users.

  • Method Details

    • getEditOperations

      public Collection<TLspEditOperation> getEditOperations()
      Returns the list of editing operations to be done.
      the list of editing operations to be done.
    • getInteractionStatus

      public ELspInteractionStatus getInteractionStatus()
      Returns the status of the object after the interaction with the handle.
      the status of the object after the interaction with the handle
    • getProcessedEvent

      public abstract E getProcessedEvent()
      Returns the partially consumed interaction event or null when the incoming event was used completely.
      the partially consumed interaction event or null when the incoming event was used completely.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object