Class ILcdLabelConflictChecker.Conflict

Enclosing interface:

public static class ILcdLabelConflictChecker.Conflict extends Object
This class represents a conflict. A conflict contains information about one or more causes of the conflict :
  • The given bounds were outside the view.
  • The given bounds were partially outside the view.
  • The given bounds overlap with other bounds.
This class can be extended to add extra conflict information.
  • Constructor Details

    • Conflict

      public Conflict(boolean aOutsideView, boolean aPartiallyOutsideView, boolean aOverlapWithBounds, boolean aOverlapWithObstacles)
      Create a new conflict with the given info.
      aOutsideView - denotes that the given bounds are completely outside the view.
      aPartiallyOutsideView - denotes that the given bounds are partially outside the view.
      aOverlapWithBounds - denotes that the given bounds overlap with one or more other bounds.
      aOverlapWithObstacles - denotes that the given bounds overlap with one or more obstacles.
  • Method Details

    • isOutsideView

      public boolean isOutsideView()
      Returns if the given bounds are completely outside the view.
      if the given bounds are completely outside the view.
    • isPartiallyOutsideView

      public boolean isPartiallyOutsideView()
      Returns if the given bounds are partially outside the view.
      if the given bounds are partially outside the view.
    • isOverlapWithLabelPlacements

      public boolean isOverlapWithLabelPlacements()
      Returns if the given bounds overlap with one or more other label placements.
      if the given bounds overlap with one or more other label placements.
    • isOverlapWithLabelObstacles

      public boolean isOverlapWithLabelObstacles()
      Returns if the given bounds overlap with one or more label obstacles.
      if the given bounds overlap with one or more label obstacles.