Class TLcdHypsometricCrease

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdHypsometricCrease extends Object implements ILcdHypsometricValueProvider
This ILcdHypsometricValueProvider computes the ridges and/or valleys of a terrain. The computed hypsometric value is a a measure for how strongly the terrain deviates from a locally fitted plane. When computing ridges and valleys, it can range from -pi/2 for sharp valleys to pi/2 for sharp ridges. When only computing either ridges or valleys, it can range from 0 for no ridges resp. valleys, to pi/2 for sharp ridges resp. valleys.
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdHypsometricCrease

      public TLcdHypsometricCrease()
      Creates a new TLcdHypsometricRidge with a 3x3 foot print for computing ridges and valleys.
    • TLcdHypsometricCrease

      public TLcdHypsometricCrease(Rectangle aFootPrint, int aType)
      Creates a new TLcdHypsometricRidge with the given foot print and type.
      aFootPrint - the foot print for the computations.
      aType - one of RIDGE, VALLEY, or RIDGE_AND_VALLEY.
  • Method Details

    • getType

      public int getType()
      Returns the type of this provider.
    • getFootPrint

      public Rectangle getFootPrint()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdHypsometricValueProvider
      Returns the foot print of this provider. For instance, if the hypsometric value at each point is computed based on the surrounding 3x3 matrix values, the foot print is the rectangle (-1, -1, 3, 3).
      Specified by:
      getFootPrint in interface ILcdHypsometricValueProvider
      the foot print of this provider.
    • getMinimumValue

      public double getMinimumValue()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdHypsometricValueProvider
      Returns the minimum hypsometric value that this provider may return.
      Specified by:
      getMinimumValue in interface ILcdHypsometricValueProvider
      the minimum hypsometric value.
    • getMaximumValue

      public double getMaximumValue()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdHypsometricValueProvider
      Returns the maximum hypsometric value that this provider may return.
      Specified by:
      getMaximumValue in interface ILcdHypsometricValueProvider
      the maximum hypsometric value.
    • computeValue

      public double computeValue(ILcdMatrixView aMatrixView, int aX, int aY, double aElevationScale)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdHypsometricValueProvider
      Computes the hypsometric value at the given point.
      Specified by:
      computeValue in interface ILcdHypsometricValueProvider
      aMatrixView - the matrix containing elevation values.
      aX - the x ordinate in the matrix.
      aY - the y ordinate in the matrix.
      aElevationScale - the scale of the elevation values in the tiles, expressed in matrix units per tile elevation unit.
      the computed hypsometric value, or NaN if it is unknown, for instance if not all required elevations are known.