Interface ILcdHypsometricValueProvider

All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdHypsometricCrease, TLcdHypsometricOrientation, TLcdHypsometricOrientationAngle, TLcdHypsometricSlope, TLcdHypsometricSlopeAngle

public interface ILcdHypsometricValueProvider
This interface specifies a method to compute hypsometric values based on elevation information.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    computeValue(ILcdMatrixView aMatrixView, int aX, int aY, double aElevationScale)
    Computes the hypsometric value at the given point.
    Returns the foot print of this provider.
    Returns the maximum hypsometric value that this provider may return.
    Returns the minimum hypsometric value that this provider may return.
  • Method Details

    • getFootPrint

      Rectangle getFootPrint()
      Returns the foot print of this provider. For instance, if the hypsometric value at each point is computed based on the surrounding 3x3 matrix values, the foot print is the rectangle (-1, -1, 3, 3).
      the foot print of this provider.
    • getMinimumValue

      double getMinimumValue()
      Returns the minimum hypsometric value that this provider may return.
      the minimum hypsometric value.
    • getMaximumValue

      double getMaximumValue()
      Returns the maximum hypsometric value that this provider may return.
      the maximum hypsometric value.
    • computeValue

      double computeValue(ILcdMatrixView aMatrixView, int aX, int aY, double aElevationScale)
      Computes the hypsometric value at the given point.
      aMatrixView - the matrix containing elevation values.
      aX - the x ordinate in the matrix.
      aY - the y ordinate in the matrix.
      aElevationScale - the scale of the elevation values in the tiles, expressed in matrix units per tile elevation unit.
      the computed hypsometric value, or NaN if it is unknown, for instance if not all required elevations are known.