Class TLcdRasterMatrix

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdMatrixView, ILcdMatrix

public class TLcdRasterMatrix extends Object implements ILcdMatrix, ILcdMatrixView

A TLcdRasterMatrix is an ILcdMatrix wrapper around a part of an ILcdRaster. This implementation assumes that the bounds and all rasters have the same model reference.

The implementation of the ILcdMatrix interface is for backward compatibility.

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdRasterMatrix

      public TLcdRasterMatrix(ILcdRaster aRaster, ILcdBounds aBounds, int aXLength, int aYLength)
      Construct a new raster matrix for the specified raster. The bounds argument is used to find the associated points of the matrix view.
      aRaster - The raster to be used.
      aBounds - The bounds of the raster.
      aXLength - The column count.
      aYLength - The row count.
    • TLcdRasterMatrix

      public TLcdRasterMatrix(ILcdRaster[] aRasters, ILcdBounds aBounds, int aXLength, int aYLength)
      Construct a new raster matrix for the specified rasters. The bounds argument is used to find the associated points of the matrix view.
      aRasters - The array of rasters to be used.
      aBounds - The bounds of the rasters.
      aXLength - The column count.
      aYLength - The row count.
  • Method Details

    • setDefaultValue

      public void setDefaultValue(double aDefaultValue)
      Sets the value that needs to be returned in case no raster is found at the specified location.
      aDefaultValue - The default value.
    • getDefaultValue

      public double getDefaultValue()
      Returns the default value.
      the default value.
      See Also:
    • getValue

      public double getValue(int i, int j)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdMatrix
      Returns the value of the matrix at point (i,j).
      Specified by:
      getValue in interface ILcdMatrix
      Specified by:
      getValue in interface ILcdMatrixView
      i - The first index of the matrix point.
      j - The second index of the matrix point.
      The value of the matrix at point (i,j).
    • retrieveAssociatedPointX

      public double retrieveAssociatedPointX(int i, int j)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdMatrixView
      Returns the x-coordinate of the associated point corresponding to the column index aColumnIndex and the row index aRowIndex.
      Specified by:
      retrieveAssociatedPointX in interface ILcdMatrixView
      i - the column index, positive and smaller than the columncount.
      j - the row index, positive and smaller than the rowcount.
      the x-coordinate of the associated point.
    • retrieveAssociatedPointY

      public double retrieveAssociatedPointY(int i, int j)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdMatrixView
      Returns the y-coordinate of the associated point corresponding to the column index aColumnIndex and the row index aRowIndex.
      Specified by:
      retrieveAssociatedPointY in interface ILcdMatrixView
      i - the column index, positive and smaller than the columncount.
      j - the row index, positive and smaller than the rowcount.
      the y-coordinate of the associated point.
    • getRowCount

      public int getRowCount()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdMatrixView
      Returns the number of rows in this matrix view. The number of rows shall be strictly positive.
      Specified by:
      getRowCount in interface ILcdMatrixView
      the number of rows in this matrix view, strictly positive.
    • getColumnCount

      public int getColumnCount()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdMatrixView
      Returns the number of columns in this matrix view. The number of columns shall be strictly positive.
      Specified by:
      getColumnCount in interface ILcdMatrixView
      the number of columns in this matrix view, strictly positive.
    • getX

      public double getX(int i, int j)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdMatrix
      Returns the "true" x-coordinate at point (i,j).
      Specified by:
      getX in interface ILcdMatrix
      i - The first index of the matrix point.
      j - The second index of the matrix point.
      The "true" x-coordinate at point (i,j).
    • getY

      public double getY(int i, int j)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdMatrix
      Returns the "true" y-coordinate at point (i,j).
      Specified by:
      getY in interface ILcdMatrix
      i - The first index of the matrix point.
      j - The second index of the matrix point.
      The "true" y-coordinate at point (i,j).
    • getWidth

      public int getWidth()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdMatrix
      Returns the integer width of the matrix.
      Specified by:
      getWidth in interface ILcdMatrix
      The integer width of the matrix.
    • getHeight

      public int getHeight()
      Description copied from interface: ILcdMatrix
      Returns the integer height of the matrix.
      Specified by:
      getHeight in interface ILcdMatrix
      The integer height of the matrix.