Interface ILcdSimulatorModel

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
ALcdSimulatorModel, ALcdTimeIndexedSimulatorModel, TLcdSimulatorModelList, TLcdTimeFilteredSimulatorModel

public interface ILcdSimulatorModel extends ILcdPropertyChangeSource

An ILcdSimulatorModel defines the simulated data to be displayed by a TLcdSimulator in real or fast time onto different ILcdGXYViews. Its main responsibility is to provide its TLcdSimulator with the ILcdModels holding the simulated domain data, and to put these data in the state corresponding to a given time of the simulation (setDate).

Threading considerations

Simulator models should always be accessed on the AWT Event Dispatch Thread.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    Returns the begin Date of the simulation.
    Gets the Date corresponding to the current state of the domain objects (tracks) this ILcdSimulatorModel contains.
    Returns the end Date of the simulation.
    Returns the array of ILcdModels holding the simulated domain data.
    setDate(Date aDate)
    Asks this ILcdSimulatorModel to update the domain objects (tracks) of the simulation it contains, in order to be in the state in which they were or should be at the given Date.

    Methods inherited from interface com.luciad.util.ILcdPropertyChangeSource

    addPropertyChangeListener, removePropertyChangeListener
  • Method Details

    • getTrackModels

      ILcdModel[] getTrackModels()

      Returns the array of ILcdModels holding the simulated domain data. The state of the domain objects in these models is updated when setDate is called.

      A property change event must be fired whenever the return value of this method changes.

      The array of ILcdModels holding the simulated domain data. This must not be null.
      See Also:
    • setDate

      void setDate(Date aDate)
      Asks this ILcdSimulatorModel to update the domain objects (tracks) of the simulation it contains, in order to be in the state in which they were or should be at the given Date. This state might include location, feature values, etc.

      The TLcdSimulator always calls this method on the AWT Event Dispatch Thread

      Implementations of this method should respect the threading rules of LuciadLightspeed. Specifically, implementations should take a write lock on the track models they update when creating a multithreaded application.

      aDate - The Date to update to. This is never null.
      See Also:
    • getDate

      Date getDate()
      Gets the Date corresponding to the current state of the domain objects (tracks) this ILcdSimulatorModel contains.
      The Date of the current state.
      See Also:
    • getBeginDate

      Date getBeginDate()

      Returns the begin Date of the simulation.

      A property change event must be fired whenever the return value of this method changes.

      The begin Date of the simulation. This must not be null.
    • getEndDate

      Date getEndDate()

      Returns the end Date of the simulation.

      A property change event must be fired whenever the return value of this method changes.

      The end Date of the simulation. This must not be null.