Class TLcdWFSClient


public class TLcdWFSClient extends Object
The TLcdWFSClient class represents a client interface to an OpenGIS WFS server. The supported WFS versions are 1.0.0, 1.1.0 and 2.0.0.

A new TLcdWFSClient instance can be created by invoking one of the static factory methods, given a URI of the server or an TLcdWFSCapabilities object representing the server's capabilities. To customize the communication between client and server, an ILcdOWSTransport can optionally be provided. This interface represents the transport layer, and can be used to choose the communication protocol (HTTP GET, HTTP POST, ...), add authentication, or configure any other parameter that relates to the communication channel. By default, an instance of TLcdOWSHttpTransport is used.

Once a TLcdWFSClient instance is initialized, the following requests can be created:

To send requests to the server and receive the response, the following methods can be used:

Upon initialization, TLcdWFSClient automatically performs a version negotiation process with the server to agree on the version number. All created requests are initialized with the agreed version number, and should therefore only be used by the TLcdWFSClient instance that created them.

See Also: