Class TLcdOGCTemporalOperator

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdDataObject, ILcdCloneable, ILcdDeepCloneable, Cloneable

public final class TLcdOGCTemporalOperator extends TLcdDataObject
Class representing a temporal operator capability.

The temporal operator is a filter operator defined by the OGC Filter 2.0 standard. This class is used to indicate support for a particular temporal operator. It is typically used inside a TLcdOGCTemporalFilterCapabilities, to indicate support for a set of temporal operators. The allowed temporal operator names and temporal operands are defined as constants in the TLcdOGCTemporalFilterCapabilities class.

See Also:
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdOGCTemporalOperator

      public TLcdOGCTemporalOperator(String aName)
      Constructs a temporal operator with the given name. The allowed temporal operator names are defined as constants in the TLcdOGCTemporalFilterCapabilities class.
      aName - the temporal operator name.
      See Also:
    • TLcdOGCTemporalOperator

      public TLcdOGCTemporalOperator(String aName, TLcdXMLName[] aTemporalOperands)
      Constructs a temporal operator with the given name and supported temporal operands. The allowed temporal operator names and temporal operands are defined as constants in the TLcdOGCTemporalFilterCapabilities class.
      aName - the temporal operator name.
      aTemporalOperands - the temporal operands.
      See Also:
  • Method Details

    • getName

      public String getName()
      Returns the name of this temporal operator.
      the name of this temporal operator.
    • getTemporalOperandCount

      public int getTemporalOperandCount()
      Return the number of temporal operands supported by this temporal operator.
      the number of temporal operands supported by this temporal operator.
    • getTemporalOperands

      public List<TLcdXMLName> getTemporalOperands()
    • getTemporalOperand

      public TLcdXMLName getTemporalOperand(int aOperandIndex)
      Returns the temporal operand at the given index.
      aOperandIndex - the index of the temporal operand to retrieve
      the temporal operand at the given index.
    • addTemporalOperand

      public void addTemporalOperand(TLcdXMLName aOperand)
      Adds the given temporal operand to the list of temporal operands supported by this temporal operator. The allowed temporal operands are defined as constants in the TLcdOGCTemporalFilterCapabilities class.
      aOperand - a temporal operand.
    • removeTemporalOperand

      public void removeTemporalOperand(TLcdXMLName aOperand)
      Removes the given temporal operand from the list of temporal operands supported by this temporal operator.
      aOperand - a temporal operand.