Class TLcdSelfPropertyRetriever

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdSelfPropertyRetriever extends Object implements ILcdPropertyRetriever
This class is an implementation of ILcdPropertyRetriever that returns the object itself. It allows an optional Class.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdSelfPropertyRetriever

      public TLcdSelfPropertyRetriever(Class aClass)
      Constructs an instance with a given Class that will be used for the property class.
      aClass - the given Class that will be used for the property class.
    • TLcdSelfPropertyRetriever

      public TLcdSelfPropertyRetriever()
      Default constructor. Object that will be used for the property class.
  • Method Details

    • retrieveProperty

      public Object retrieveProperty(Object aObject)
      Gets the property from the given object. In this implementation, it will return the object itself.
      Specified by:
      retrieveProperty in interface ILcdPropertyRetriever
      aObject - the given object from which the property must be obtained.
      the property of the given object.
    • getPropertyClass

      public Class getPropertyClass()
      Gets the class of the property that will be obtained.
      Specified by:
      getPropertyClass in interface ILcdPropertyRetriever
      the class of the property that will be obtained.