Interface ILcdModelReferenceParser

All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcdAUTO2ReferenceParser, TLcdAUTOReferenceParser, TLcdCRSReferenceParser, TLcdEPSGReferenceParser, TLcdMIFModelReferenceFactory, TLcdMIFModelReferenceParser, TLcdOGCModelReferenceParser, TLcdProj4ReferenceParser, TLcdSpatialReferenceParser, TLcdWKTReferenceParser

public interface ILcdModelReferenceParser
A parser for converting string representations of model references into the corresponding ILcdModelReference instance. Model reference parsers are typically used in model reference decoders, for converting a model reference code in a data file into the corresponding string. Several implementations of this interface are provided that implement conversions based on international encoding standards (EPSG, WKT, AUTO, ...).
See Also:
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    parseModelReference(String aModelReferenceAsString)
    Returns the ILcdModelReference that corresponds to the specified string representation.
  • Method Details

    • parseModelReference

      ILcdModelReference parseModelReference(String aModelReferenceAsString) throws ParseException
      Returns the ILcdModelReference that corresponds to the specified string representation.
      aModelReferenceAsString - the String representation to be converted to an ILcdModelReference.
      the ILcdModelReference that corresponds to the specified string, never null.
      NullPointerException - if the specified string is null.
      ParseException - if this parser cannot convert the specified string into a model reference (e.g. if the code is not supported or if the code was not valid)