Interface ILcdModelContainer

All Superinterfaces:
EventListener, ILcdModelProducerListener
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
TLcd2DBoundsIndexedModelList, TLcd2DBoundsIndexedModelTreeNode, TLcdGML2AbstractFeatureCollection, TLcdGML31AbstractFeatureCollection, TLcdGML31DynamicFeatureCollection, TLcdGML31FeatureCollection, TLcdGML31Model, TLcdGML32AbstractFeatureCollection, TLcdGML32FeatureCollection, TLcdGML32Model, TLcdKML22AbstractContainer, TLcdKML22Document, TLcdKML22DynamicModel, TLcdKML22Folder, TLcdKML22Kml, TLcdKML22NetworkLink, TLcdModelContainer, TLcdModelList, TLcdModelTreeNode, TLcdModelTreeNodeSupport

public interface ILcdModelContainer extends ILcdModelProducerListener
ILcdModelContainer is an ILcdModelProducerListener containing a zero or more ILcdModel objects. Each ILcdModel has a unique index, ranging from 0 to the number of ILcdModel objects in this ILcdModelContainer - 1.

ILcdModelContainer Structure

An ILcdModelContainer has zero or more ILcdModelContainerListeners associated to it. The ILcdModelContainer sends a TLcdModelContainerEvent whenever the state of the ILcdModelContainer changes. (Listener pattern)

ILcdModelContainer Listener

See Also:
  • Method Details

    • modelCount

      int modelCount()
      Returns the number of ILcdModel objects contained in this ILcdModelContainer.
      the number of ILcdModel objects contained in this ILcdModelContainer.
    • addModel

      boolean addModel(ILcdModel aModel)
      Adds an ILcdModel to this ILcdModelContainer.
      aModel - the model to be added.
      true if this collection of models changed as a result of the call
      IllegalArgumentException - if some property of the element prevents it from being added to this model container
    • removeModel

      boolean removeModel(ILcdModel aModel)
      Removes an ILcdModel from this ILcdModelContainer.
      aModel - the model to be removed.
      true if a model was removed as a result of this call
    • getModel

      ILcdModel getModel(int aIndex)
      Returns the ILcdModel at the given index.
      aIndex - a valid index in this ILcdModelContainer.
      the ILcdModel at the given index.
    • models

      Enumeration models()
      Returns an Enumeration of the ILcdModel objects contained in this ILcdModelContainer.
      an Enumeration of the ILcdModel objects contained in this ILcdModelContainer.
    • getModels

      default List<? extends ILcdModel> getModels()
      Returns a List of the models.
      an unmodifiable List of the models in this ILcdModelContainer
    • addModelContainerListener

      void addModelContainerListener(ILcdModelContainerListener aModelContainerListener)
      Adds an ILcdModelContainerListener to this ILcdModelContainer.
      aModelContainerListener - the listener to be added.
      See Also:
    • removeModelContainerListener

      void removeModelContainerListener(ILcdModelContainerListener aModelContainerListener)
      Removes an ILcdModelContainerListener from this ILcdModelContainer.
      aModelContainerListener - the listener to be removed.
      See Also: