Class ALcdBasicImage.Configuration

Enclosing class:

public static class ALcdBasicImage.Configuration extends ALcdImage.Configuration
Describes the configuration of an ALcdBasicImage. Image configurations can be created using the supplied ALcdBasicImage.Configuration.Builder.

The key properties of a basic image are:

  • Width and Height: the image's dimensions in pixel coordinates.
  • Bounds: the image's extents in geographic coordinates.
  • Semantics: describe the image's pixel interpretation and format.
  • Image Reference: the image's reference.
  • Tile column and row count, tile width and height: indicates if and how the image's internal representation is subdivided into tiles. When reading pixel data out of an image, aligning the reads to the image's tile grid typically results in improved performance.
  • Pixel Size (X) and Pixel Size (Y): indicates the approximate size of the pixel along the related axis, measured in model coordinates.
  • Method Details

    • getWidth

      public int getWidth()
      Returns the width of the image in pixels.
      the width of the image in pixels
    • getHeight

      public int getHeight()
      Returns the height of the image in pixels.
      the height of the image in pixels
    • getTileColumnCount

      public int getTileColumnCount()
      Returns the width of the tile grid in the image. For non-tiled images, the width is 1.
      the number of tile columns in the image
    • getTileRowCount

      public int getTileRowCount()
      Returns the height of the tile grid in the image. For non-tiled images, the height is 1.
      the number of tile rows in the image
    • getTileWidth

      public int getTileWidth()
      Returns the width of the tiles in the image (in pixels). If the image is not tiled, the dimensions are the same as those returned by getWidth() and getHeight().
      the width of the tiles in the image
    • getTileHeight

      public int getTileHeight()
      Returns the height of the tiles in the image (in pixels). If the image is not tiled, the dimensions are the same as those returned by getWidth() and getHeight().
      the height of the tiles in the image
    • getPixelSizeX

      public double getPixelSizeX()
      Returns the approximate size of a pixel of the image along the x axis, measured in model coordinates.

      In case of point-sampled data this indicates the distance between 2 samples.

      the horizontal pixel size of the image
    • getPixelSizeY

      public double getPixelSizeY()
      Returns the approximate size of a pixel of the image along the y axis, measured in model coordinates.

      In case of point-sampled data this indicates the distance between 2 samples.

      the vertical pixel size of the image
    • getTilePixelBounds

      public Rectangle getTilePixelBounds(int aTileX, int aTileY)
      Retrieves the bounds in pixel coordinates for a single tile in the image.
      aTileX - the tile x coordinate in [0, columnCount[
      aTileY - the tile y coordinate in [0, rowCount[
      the region
      IllegalArgumentException - if the tile coordinate is out of bounds
    • getSamplingMode

      public ELcdImageSamplingMode getSamplingMode()
      Returns the sampling mode of the image
      the sampling mode
    • equals

      public boolean equals(Object o)
      equals in class ALcdImage.Configuration
    • hashCode

      public int hashCode()
      hashCode in class ALcdImage.Configuration
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class Object
    • newBuilder

      public static ALcdBasicImage.Configuration.Builder newBuilder()
      Creates a new, uninitialized builder.
      a new image configuration builder
    • asBuilder

      Creates a builder which is pre-initialized with the properties of this Configuration. This allows the user to create a copy of a configuration and selectively modify properties.
      a builder initialized with the properties of this Configuration