Class ALcdBandColorSemantics


public abstract class ALcdBandColorSemantics extends ALcdBandSemantics
Semantics for a color band in an image.

The type describes the semantics of the band. In addition for color bands you can also retrieve the color space and component index.

This class cannot be implemented by the user. You can use the TLcdBandColorSemanticsBuilder to create new instances.

An image's pixels are considered to represent a color if:

Note that the order of the bands is important. For example [Blue, Green, Red] is not considered a color. This does not restrict the actual in-memory order. For example ComponentSampleModel allows a different memory byte-order and logical order through its band offsets.
  • Method Details

    • getType

      public abstract ALcdBandColorSemantics.Type getType()
      Returns the type of the band.
      the type, never null
    • getColorSpace

      public abstract ColorSpace getColorSpace()
      Returns the color space.

      This property is only available for color bands (e.g. all types except ALcdBandColorSemantics.Type.ALPHA).

      the color space
    • getComponentIndex

      public abstract int getComponentIndex()
      Returns the component index in the color space.

      For a alpha or palette index band the component index is -1.

      the component index or -1
    • isAlphaPremultiplied

      public abstract boolean isAlphaPremultiplied()
      Returns if the band is pre-multiplied with alpha.

      An alpha band is never pre-multiplied.

      whether the band is pre-multiplied with alpha or not
    • getPalette

      public abstract IndexColorModel getPalette()
      Returns the palette for a palette index band.
      the palette or null.