Interface ILfnCustomPropertyDecoder

public interface ILfnCustomPropertyDecoder
Defines and decodes custom properties for a TLfnData resource.

Custom properties are name-value pairs, with the name uniquely identifying the property and the value containing the information for that property. Custom properties can store any additional information you would want to associate directly with a TLfnData resource. They can be accessed by using the TLfnData.getCustomProperties() method, or through the REST API (GET /api/data/{id}).

Custom properties can be decoded from two possible sources, or a combination of both:

  • The ISO metadata that LuciadFusion will generate for the dataset. This ISO metadata is the combination of the TLcdModelMetadata returned from the ILcdModelDecoder and the TLcdISO19115Metadata returned by a ILcdMetadataDecoder. A custom ILcdMetadataDecoder can be used to decode files with a proprietary format into ISO metadata. By default, LuciadFusion only support ISO 19139 XML metadata files.
  • Additional source files located next to the data file(s) of the dataset. If no ILcdMetadataDecoder has been registered that is capable of decoding these additional source files into a TLcdISO19115Metadata object, or if the information inside these files is not meant to be part of the ISO19115 metadata of the dataset, implementations can access these additional source files directly and decode the custom properties from them.

By providing custom property definitions, it is possible to specify a display name for a property and indicate if the property is queryable. If a property is set to queryable, the property can be used to query Data resources through the REST API (GET /api/data/filter).

Integration in LuciadFusion

Add the Spring bean definition of your ILfnCustomPropertyDecoder implementation to a Spring @Configuration class and add the package containing that @Configuration class to the fusion.config.additionalScanPackages property so LuciadFusion can find your ILfnCustomPropertyDecoder implementation in the application context and can use it to decode custom properties.


In the following sample, we decode the status property from the ISO metadata and provide it as a custom property.

  public class CustomPropertyDecoder implements ILfnCustomPropertyDecoder {

    public CustomPropertiesWithSource decode(String aSourceName, TLcdISO19115Metadata aMetadata) throws IOException {
      Collection<TLfnCustomProperty> result = new ArrayList<>();

      List<TLcdISO19115Identification> identificationInfo = aMetadata.getIdentificationInfo();
      if (identificationInfo != null && !identificationInfo.isEmpty()) {
        List<TLcdISO19115ProgressCode> statusCodes = identificationInfo.get(0).getStatus();
        if (statusCodes != null && !statusCodes.isEmpty()) {
          String status = statusCodes.get(0).getValueObject();

      return new CustomPropertiesWithSource(result);

    public TLfnCustomPropertyDefinitions getPropertyDefinitions() {
      return TLfnCustomPropertyDefinitions.newBuilder()
                                          .addStringProperty("status", "Status", true)
  • Method Details

    • decode

      Decodes the custom properties for a Data resource. Custom properties can be decoded from two possible sources: the ISO metadata of the Data resource or additional source files located next to the data file.

      This method returns a CustomPropertiesWithSource object, which contains both the custom properties and the list of all additional files used for decoding these custom properties. If all custom properties are derived from the ISO metadata, the list of additional files is empty.

      aSourceName - points to the main data file of the Data resource. The decoder can use this path to search for additional files containing custom properties and decodes them from there.
      aMetadata - the ISO metadata of the Data resource. This ISO metadata is the combination of the TLcdModelMetadata returned from the ILcdModelDecoder and the TLcdISO19115Metadata returned by a ILcdMetadataDecoder. See the class javadoc for more details.
      the custom properties
      IOException - if something goes wrong decoding the custom properties
    • getPropertyDefinitions

      TLfnCustomPropertyDefinitions getPropertyDefinitions()
      Get the custom property definitions. These definitions are global, which means that they apply to all custom properties in LuciadFusion.

      It is recommended to define every property that can be returned by the decode method, although it is not required. Custom properties without a corresponding definition won't have a display name and will not be queryable. In addition, the type of the property will not be validated by LuciadFusion.

      the custom property definitions