Class TLfnCrawlJob


public final class TLfnCrawlJob extends ALfnJob

Represents a crawl job that is available in LuciadFusion Studio.

Crawl jobs are jobs that scan a data root for geospatial data and style file definitions that LuciadFusion Studio recognizes. Every TLfnCrawlJob is associated with a data root. See getDataRoot().

For each TLfnDataRoot, LuciadFusion Studio automatically creates a crawl job. The crawl job scans the data root's directory and all of its subfolders for data and styles LuciadFusion recognizes. For each recognized item, it adds a TLfnData or TLfnStyle item to LuciadFusion Studio.

Each TLfnCrawlJob can be executed manually or it can be scheduled to be executed at fixed intervals.

  • Method Details

    • getDataRoot

      public TLfnDataRoot getDataRoot()
      The TLfnDataRoot that is crawled by this job.
      the TLfnDataRoot that is crawled by this job.
    • getJobSchedule

      public String getJobSchedule()
      The schedule for this TLfnCrawlJob, in cron format. If the job is not scheduled this value will be null.
      The schedule for this TLfnCrawlJob, in cron format.
    • isIgnoreDeletedFiles

      public boolean isIgnoreDeletedFiles()
      Indicates whether this TLfnCrawlJob ignores files that have been deleted or are otherwise unavailable while crawling. If set to false, Data and Styles will be deleted from LuciadFusion if the corresponding files are not available. If set to true, no Data or Styles will be deleted.
      a boolean value indicating whether this TLfnCrawlJob ignores files that have been deleted or are otherwise unavailable while crawling.
    • isForceRecrawlFiles

      public boolean isForceRecrawlFiles()
      Indicates whether this TLfnCrawlJob needs to recrawl all the files or not. If set to false (default) only new or failed files will be processed. If set to true all files will be processed, including files that succeeded before.
      a boolean value indicating whether this TLfnCrawlJob needs to recrawl all the files or not.
    • toString

      public String toString()
      toString in class ALfnJob