Class TLcdSpatiaLiteModelDescriptor

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdAnnotatedElement, ILcdDatabaseModelDescriptor, com.luciad.internal.format.database.ILinDatabaseModelDescriptor2, ILcdDataModelDescriptor, ILcdModelDescriptor, ILcdFeaturedDescriptor, ILcdFeaturedDescriptorProvider, Serializable, Cloneable

public class TLcdSpatiaLiteModelDescriptor extends TLcdDatabaseModelDescriptor implements ILcdDatabaseModelDescriptor
This ILcdDatabaseModelDescriptor describes a layer from a SQLite SpatiaLite database.

For accessing an existing Spatial layer, the following information is required:

  • a database driver,
  • a database URL,
  • connection properties,
  • a table name,
  • a column name containing the geometries,
  • a display names,
  • an optional list of feature names,
  • an optional selection filter, with additional selection tables.

For creating a new Spatial layer, the following additional information is required:

  • a Spatial Reference ID,
  • an ellipsoid,
  • a list of data types corresponding to the optional feature names.
See Also:
  • Field Details

  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdSpatiaLiteModelDescriptor

      public TLcdSpatiaLiteModelDescriptor()
      Constructs an uninitialized SQLite SpatiaLite layer descriptor with default properties.
    • TLcdSpatiaLiteModelDescriptor

      public TLcdSpatiaLiteModelDescriptor(String aDriver, String aURL, Properties aConnectionProperties, String aTableName, String aGeometryColumnName)
      Constructs a new SQLite SpatiaLite table descriptor.
      aDriver - the JDBC driver name.
      aURL - the JDBC connection URL.
      aConnectionProperties - the connection properties, including 'user' and 'password'.
      aTableName - the spatial layer name.
      aGeometryColumnName - the name of the column containing spatial objects.
    • TLcdSpatiaLiteModelDescriptor

      public TLcdSpatiaLiteModelDescriptor(String aDriver, String aURL, Properties aConnectionProperties, String aTableName, String aGeometryColumnName, String[] aFeatureNames, int aPrimaryFeatureIndex)
      Constructs a new SQLite SpatiaLite table descriptor.
      aDriver - the JDBC driver name.
      aURL - the JDBC connection URL.
      aConnectionProperties - the connection properties, including 'user' and 'password'.
      aTableName - the spatial layer name.
      aGeometryColumnName - the name of the column containing spatial objects.
      aFeatureNames - the column names of the features that should be retrieved.
      aPrimaryFeatureIndex - the index of the feature that can be used a a primary key on the spatial table.
    • TLcdSpatiaLiteModelDescriptor

      public TLcdSpatiaLiteModelDescriptor(String aDriver, String aURL, Properties aConnectionProperties, String aTableName, String aGeometryColumnName, String[] aFeatureNames, int aPrimaryFeatureIndex, boolean aPrimaryFeatureAutoGenerated)
      Constructs a new SQLite SpatiaLite table descriptor.
      aDriver - the JDBC driver name.
      aURL - the JDBC connection URL.
      aConnectionProperties - the connection properties, including 'user' and 'password'.
      aTableName - the spatial layer name.
      aGeometryColumnName - the name of the column containing spatial objects.
      aFeatureNames - the column names of the features that should be retrieved.
      aPrimaryFeatureIndex - the index of the feature that can be used a a primary key on the spatial table.
      aPrimaryFeatureAutoGenerated - specifies whether the primary key is automatically generated by the database.
  • Method Details

    • getConnection

      public Connection getConnection() throws SQLException
      Description copied from interface: com.luciad.internal.format.database.ILinDatabaseModelDescriptor2
      Returns the database connection.
      Specified by:
      getConnection in interface com.luciad.internal.format.database.ILinDatabaseModelDescriptor2
      getConnection in class TLcdDatabaseModelDescriptor
      the connection