Class TLcdS57CatalogueDataSource.Builder<B extends TLcdS57CatalogueDataSource.Builder<B>>

Enclosing class:

public static class TLcdS57CatalogueDataSource.Builder<B extends TLcdS57CatalogueDataSource.Builder<B>> extends Object

A builder for creating TLcdS57CatalogueDataSource data sources.

Use TLcdS57CatalogueDataSource.newBuilder() to create an instance of this class.

  • Method Details

    • build

      Builds the TLcdS57CatalogueDataSource.
      the new TLcdS57CatalogueDataSource
    • id

      public B id(String aId)
      Sets an (optional) unique identifier of this catalogue data source.

      The id can be any string consisting of alphanumeric characters (a-zA-Z0-9). The id is not required, but SENC caching will only work if the data source has an id. For the cache to work correctly, the id should be unique for this data set and should remain constant over time.

      aId - a unique identifier for this catalogue ate source.
    • addCatalogue

      public B addCatalogue(String aSource)
      Adds the given catalogue source to the list of catalogue sources in this data source. The source should be a valid S-57 catalogue file ('CATALOG.031').
      aSource - the source of an S-57 catalogue to be decoded as part of this data source.
    • addCatalogues

      public B addCatalogues(String... aCatalogueSources)
      Adds the given catalogue sources to the list of catalogue sources in this data source. The source should be a valid S-57 catalogue file ('CATALOG.031').
      aCatalogueSources - the sources of S-57 catalogues to be decoded as part of this data source.
    • addCell

      public B addCell(String aCellSource)
      Adds the given cell source to the list of cell sources in this data source. The source should be a valid S-57 cell base or update file (with .000, .001, .002, ... extension). Updates which are located next to the cell base file are not picked automatically - each update file needs to be added explicitly.
      aCellSource - the source of the S-57 cell base or update file to be decoded as part of this data source.
    • addCells

      public B addCells(String... aCellSources)
      Adds the given cell sources to the list of cell sources in this data source. The source should be valid S-57 cells base or update files (with .000, .001, .002, ... extension). Updates which are located next to the cell base file are not picked automatically - each update file needs to be added explicitly.
      aCellSources - the source of the S-57 cell base or update file to be decoded as part of this data source.