Class TLcdASTERIXSacSicRecordFilter

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdASTERIXSacSicRecordFilter extends Object implements ILcdASTERIXRecordFilter

ILcdASTERIXRecordFilter implementation that allows you to filter the ASTERIX records by data source (for instance, by the radar system that picked them up). The data source is defined by a SAC/SIC code (System Area Code / System Identification Code).

When multiple radar systems report on the same tracks in turn, a zig-zag effect might show up because of slight deviations in either radar system. To avoid this, filter out reports of either radar system using this filter.

  • Constructor Summary

    Constructs a filter which accepts only records coming from an added sac/sic.
    Constructs a new record filter to accept or reject records, depending on the aInvert parameter.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    accept(ILcdDataObject aASTERIXRecord)
    Decide whether an ASTERIX record should be processed or ignored.
    addSacSic(int aSystemAreaCode, int aSystemIdentificationCode)
    Add the specified combination of 'System Area Code' / 'System Identification Code' to this filter.

    Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

    clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdASTERIXSacSicRecordFilter

      public TLcdASTERIXSacSicRecordFilter()
      Constructs a filter which accepts only records coming from an added sac/sic.
    • TLcdASTERIXSacSicRecordFilter

      public TLcdASTERIXSacSicRecordFilter(boolean aInvert)
      Constructs a new record filter to accept or reject records, depending on the aInvert parameter.
      aInvert - true to reject all records coming from a sac/sic added to this filter, false to accept only records coming from an added sac/sic.
  • Method Details

    • addSacSic

      public void addSacSic(int aSystemAreaCode, int aSystemIdentificationCode)
      Add the specified combination of 'System Area Code' / 'System Identification Code' to this filter. Depending on the aNegate property of this filter, ASTERIX records will be accepted or rejected based on the added SAC/SIC combinations.
      aSystemAreaCode - The System Area Code, as specified in the ASTERIX specification.
      aSystemIdentificationCode - The System Identification Code, as specified in the ASTERIX specification.
      See Also:
    • accept

      public boolean accept(ILcdDataObject aASTERIXRecord)
      Description copied from interface: ILcdASTERIXRecordFilter

      Decide whether an ASTERIX record should be processed or ignored.

      Specified by:
      accept in interface ILcdASTERIXRecordFilter
      aASTERIXRecord - The ILcdDataObject that represents the ASTERIX record. Its type corresponds to one of the UAP types in the TLcdASTERIXDataTypes class. No references should be kept to this object after this method has returned, as the same object might be reused in subsequent calls.
      true to process the record, false to ignore it.