Class TLcdASTERIXFinalModelEncoder

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdOutputStreamFactoryCapable, ILcdModelEncoder, Serializable

@LcdService(service=ILcdModelEncoder.class, priority=20000) public class TLcdASTERIXFinalModelEncoder extends Object implements ILcdModelEncoder, ILcdOutputStreamFactoryCapable

Encoder for ASTERIX trajectory models.

This model encoder can only encode models decoded by the TLcdASTERIXModelDecoder. Specifically, the model descriptor should be a TLcdASTERIXTrajectoryModelDescriptor or TLcdASTERIXPlotModelDescriptor, TLcdASTERIXWeatherModelDescriptor or a TLcdModelList containing these kinds of models. This encoder does not allow to encode models from other formats to be encoded. For instance, you cannot encode ESRI Shape models with this encoder.

Any changes made to the properties of the ASTERIX trajectories, weather pictures or plots are saved by this encoder. For instance, if you filled in a missing callsign for a trajectory of category 30, this encoder will save that callsign in the encoded file.

The encoder only encodes the trajectories, weather pictures or plots that are available in the model. This means you can delete trajectories or plots which you are not interested in from the model, before passing it to this encoder.

The output is written in the ASTERIX final or raw ASTERIXformat, depending on the name of the destination file.

See Also: