Class TLcdEarthGXYLayerHeightProviderFactory

All Implemented Interfaces:

public class TLcdEarthGXYLayerHeightProviderFactory extends Object implements ILcdLayerHeightProviderFactory
A layer-based height provider factory implementation for ILcdEarthTileSets in ILcdGXYViews. Additionally the ILcdGXYLayer must have a TLcdEarthGXYElevationRasterPainter as painter.


An important advantage of the layer-based height providers vs. model-based height providers is that the returned heights are the same as those visible in the view. This is for example important when you have a label that displays the height at the cursor position.

Another important advantage is that using a layer-based height provider typically results in significantly better performance than the model-based counterpart because all necessary tiles are already cached. This avoids additional tile production which possibly requires expensive operations such as IO. This is especially important when the heights need to be retrieved from the event dispatch thread (ex. while painting).

See Also: