This article explains which endpoints you can typically expect when using LuciadFusion Studio.

The service endpoints are:

  • ogc/wms/{instanceName}: serves all supported data formats, including LuciadFusion coverages.

  • ogc/wmts/{instanceName}: serves all supported data formats, including LuciadFusion coverages.

  • ogc/wfs/{instanceName}: serves all supported vector data on-the-fly.

  • ogc/wcs/{instanceName}: serves all supported raster data formats, including LuciadFusion RASTER coverages.

  • ogc/csw/{instanceName}: serves all metadata.

  • ogc/3dtiles/{instanceName}/tileset.json: serves all supported point cloud and mesh data.

  • panoramic/{instancename}/cubemap.json: serves all supported panoramic image data.

  • hspc/{instancename}/tree.hspc: serves HSPC data.

  • mbtiles/{instancename}/tile.json: serves MBTiles data.

  • file/{instanceName}: serves all data formats as a simple file server. Can be used to publish files as is.

  • lts/{instanceName}: serves fused coverages and elevation data.

  • ecwp[s]://{domain}[:{port}]/ecwp/{instancename}/{productname}/{filename}: serves ECW and JPEG2000 data.

The management endpoints are:

  • studio/index.html: the start page of the LuciadFusion Studio Web Application. You use it to configure the data you serve. The web application comes with integrated user documentation.

  • api: endpoint for obtaining info about the REST API.

  • tileengine/lts: used by the Data Connectivity Manager (DCM) to control the Tiling Engine.

    If you created tile stores in LuciadFusion 2016 or older, you can configure the Fusion Server to use those existing tile stores at this endpoint. Find the value of the parameter fusion.tilestore.home in the web deployment descriptor file web.xml. Follow the instructions in the deployment guide and in the relevant configuration files.

  • actuators/{actuatorId}: used to access the available actuators.

    Actuators are small endpoints to help you monitor and manage your application when it is pushed to production. Most of those actuators are provided by Spring Boot. For an overview of all possible Spring Boot Actuators, see the Spring Boot documentation at

    In addition, Hexagon provides a custom actuator that lists all actuators loaded in the LuciadFusion Plaform. Its {actuatorId} is endpointList. It is mapped to actuators/endpointList.