LuciadCPillar Samples

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Military symbology


Complex Strokes




Data Formats


OGC 3D Tiles


Feature data loading and styling



Military symbology: all symbols  desktop_cpp_sample_all_symbols

This sample demonstrates all supported military icon symbols and tactical graphics.

The sample shows all military icons or tactical graphics for a specific symbology, with random modifier values. Icons and tactical graphics are labeled as prescribed by the military symbol standards.

Use the menu to switch between icons and tactical graphics or to change the symbology.



Camera  desktop_cpp_sample_camera

This sample illustrates how to use the Camera API using a First-Person camera controller using user-input and an Orbit camera controller (also called Pole camera). You can switch between the controllers using the buttons in the toolbar above the map.

The First Person Camera Controller allows the control of the camera and modify its position using a predefined keymap to move and the mouse to change the camera's yaw and pitch.

The Orbit camera consists of a camera orbiting around a cube, keeping that point of interest in the center of the view. This controller uses the Map::IRendererCallback API to modify the camera on each repaint of the Map.



Complex Strokes  desktop_cpp_sample_complexstrokes

The Complex Strokes sample illustrates how to use the "Complex Stroke" API in LuciadCPillar. This is a powerful API that allows you to stroke lines with complex patterns and add decorations at specific locations along the line. For example, you could draw a line with a sawtooth pattern and decorate it with arrows at the start and the end of the line.

In the sample you will see various shapes and lines that are stroked using the Complex Stroke API, grouped into themes. You can see how the shape is styled in the sample code.

You can select an object to start editing it. Notice how the patterns dynamically follow the shape while editing.

The Cookbook Theme is intended for developers. You can experiment with complex stroke line styles by changing sample snippets, or by creating new complex stroke styles and visualizing the results. You can also edit shapes to check how the complex stroke line style is drawn over the vertices of a shape.



Data Formats  desktop_cpp_sample_dataformats

This sample demonstrates working with different data on the map. It starts with a map that has a Blue Marble background layer.

There is a toolbar that allows you to:

  • Open supported files
  • Connect to a web service (WMS, WMTS, OGC 3D tiles, HSPC, HERE Maps, and MBTiles)
  • Add a basic vector model showing several supported geometries using default styling.
  • Add a layer with dynamic data. The rendering of the dynamic data changes when you zoom in.

There is a layer control allowing you to change the visibility of layers and to re-order them.

The Mapbox style file referenced within the 'Connect to MBTiles' license file is available at:



Editing and creation  desktop_cpp_sample_editing

This sample demonstrates how to create and edit features using the edit API. It shows a map with several features.

Creating features

Features can be added to the map using the button in the toolbar.

Polylines and polyline rings can be created using a click mode or a free hand mode. In click mode, use double-click or touch long press to end creation. In free hand mode, the feature is finalized as soon as the drag gesture ends.

Editing features

Click or touch a feature to select it and show its edit handles. Drag the edit handles around to change the geometry.

Points can be added at the beginning or the end of a polyline using the Shift modifier while clicking with the left mouse button.

Points can be removed from a polyline or polyline ring using Ctrl-click or touch long press.

Tutorial layers
This sample also includes a couple of layers that are used in tutorials in the product documentation:
  • Tutorial 1: the tutorial on how to customize an existing handles provider
  • Tutorial 2: the tutorial on how to add extra handles to an existing handles provider
  • Tutorial 3: the tutorial on how to create a custom handles provider



Feature data loading and styling  desktop_cpp_sample_feature_styling

This sample demonstrates loading and styling of feature data.

It has a map with roads data:

  • The type of roads that are loaded are configured per map scale.
  • The styling of the data depends on their type and on the map scale.



Load some data on a map  desktop_cpp_sample_firstapp

This sample demonstrates how to load data on a basic map using Qt Quick.

It has a map with following data:

  • Bluemarble raster background
  • Rivers in Switzerland
  • Elevation data for Switzerland



Labels  desktop_cpp_sample_labels

This sample demonstrates how to use the label API and how to customize how the labels are displayed.

It has a map with states, rivers and cities data. Labels are decluttered to prevent label overlap and to avoid overlap with the view bounds.

Cities are filtered based on their population and become visible when you zoom in. The city labels contain more information when a city is selected and the used font size is derived from the population of the city. When a city's label can not be placed next to the city, a line (called pin) is drawn from the city location to its label. City labels are configured with a priority such that the labels of larger cities are shown in favor of labels of smaller cities when there is no room to display all labels.

Rivers only appear when the map is zoomed in enough and their labels are oriented based the on the river's direction.

States have labels which are positioned inside the state area. The state labels have lower priorities than city labels.



OGC 3D Tiles  desktop_cpp_sample_ogc3dtiles

This sample shows how to load and visualize OGC 3D tiles meshes and point cloud data on the map. It also shows you how to style meshes and point clouds with expressions. The map supports both 3D and 2D projections.

3D Data

Use Ogc3DTilesModelDecoder to create an ITileSet3DModel and use TileSet3DLayer to create a layer for it. You can load 3D tileset data on 2D and 3D maps.

Graphics Effects

The Effects Settings tool shows the graphics effects that can be applied on a 3D scene:

  • Eye-dome lighting (Depth Perception).
  • Ambient occlusion (Ambient Light).
Expression based styling

TileSet3DLayer allows to set a PointCloudStyle that defines the expression based styles for the point cloud data. This is demonstrated for the LIDAR layer that contains railways station point cloud data. There are three types of expressions:

  • The colorExpression property defines colors for point. By default colors are defined in the tile data. If no color is defined, LuciadCPillar paints them using a gray color. You can use StyleExpressionFactory to define an expression that evaluates to a color value, e.g. based on attributes in the data. This sample shows how you can create a color expression based on the height of the points or on their intensity.
  • The visibilityExpression property is a filter that determines point cloud data visibility. You can use StyleExpressionFactory to define an expression that evaluates to a boolean value. This sample shows how to filter points based on their height.
  • Point size expressions can be configured on the PointCloudStyle builder. You can use StyleExpressionFactory to define an expression that evaluates to a double value, that is interpreted as pixels or meters. This sample adds a slider that can be used to choose a point size.

The Marseille 3D mesh data used in this sample was created by Airbus with Airbus Street Factory. The train station lidar data was created by Flying-Cam for Altametris and SNCF Réseau. Both datasets are available as OGC 3D Tiles services, hosted by our LuciadFusion server on You can use these services only for simple tests and demonstrations. You should not rely on either of them in any way.



Using the CPillar map in Qt Widget  desktop_cpp_sample_qt_widget

This sample demonstrates the integration of the map into the Qt framework using Qt Widgets.

It has a map with bluemarble as background data.

There is a menu action which allows to open supported files.



Controller customization for selection  desktop_cpp_sample_selection

This sample demonstrates how to create and use the controller API in order to select the right feature.

It has a map with states, rivers and cities data:

  • When a feature is selected, feature properties are listed in a panel.
  • While pressing Alt and clicking on one or several features, a context menu allows the user to select which feature to select/unselect.
  • While pressing Shift and dragging the mouse, a rectangle is drawn and selects/unselects all features under it. This feature is only available with a 2D map.



Military symbology  desktop_cpp_sample_symbology

This sample demonstrates the modeling, visualization, editing and creation of military icons and tactical graphics, for the MS2525 and APP6 standards.

The sample starts up with a few tactical graphics and icons already initialized on a map. To create a new symbol, type its name in the toolbar widget, pick the desired symbol from the list and click on the map to start creation.

The sample also includes an MGRS grid, displaying labeled grid lines with increasing detail as the view zooms in. An overview label centered at the top of the map provides positional context with the currently visible MGRS grid zone and, if zoomed in enough, 100 km square.