Class Camera.Look

Enclosing class:

public static final class Camera.Look extends Object
Structure describing the position and orientation of the camera.

See PerspectiveCamera or OrthographicCamera for an illustration.

  • Constructor Details

    • Look

      public Look(@NotNull Coordinate eye, @NotNull Coordinate forward, @NotNull Coordinate up)
      Constructs the Look with eye, forward, and up information.
      eye - The location of the camera in 3D cartesian coordinates.
      forward - The forward direction of the camera.
      up - The direction corresponding to the upward direction of the view.
  • Method Details

    • getEye

      @NotNull public Coordinate getEye()
      The location of the camera in 3D cartesian coordinates.
    • getForward

      @NotNull public Coordinate getForward()
      The forward direction of the camera.
    • getUp

      @NotNull public Coordinate getUp()
      The direction corresponding to the upward direction of the view.