Coordinate systems

The LuciadCPillar API modeling of coordinate references provides you with typical geo-referenced coordinate systems.

They are exposed as instances of CoordinateReferenceCoordinateReferenceCoordinateReference. Coordinate references are modeled as immutable objects.

The CoordinateReferenceCoordinateReferenceCoordinateReference with LuciadCPillar can represent these coordinate reference systems:

  • Geodetic coordinate reference systems that represent geographic locations on an ellipsoidal (or a spherical) surface using longitude and latitude coordinates. Geodetic reference systems are based on an ellipsoid that approximates the shape of the earth. A commonly used geodetic reference system is the World Geodetic System 1984 (WGS 1984).

  • Projected coordinate reference systems that represent geographic locations on a flat surface using x and y coordinates. A Cartesian reference system is usually based on a geodetic reference system and requires a map projection to represent the curved surface of the earth on a flat surface.

  • Geocentric coordinate reference systems that represent a 3D Cartesian coordinate system attached to the center of the earth.

You can use the CoordinateReferenceProviderCoordinateReferenceProviderCoordinateReferenceProvider class to create coordinate systems based on EPSG codes or WKT. The supported EPSG codes are available within supported EPSG codes. The unsupported EPSG codes are available within unsupported EPSG codes.


Because there are multiple coordinate references, we must be able to transform coordinates from one coordinate reference to another coordinate reference. To create a transformation between a source and a target coordinate reference, you can use Transformation::createTransformation::createTransformation::create.