LuciadCPillar support for GeoTIFF
LuciadCPillar supports the decoding of GeoTIFF data through the GDAL library.
The GdalModelDecoder
reference documentation lists the supported GeoTIFF features and the limitations.
Decoding example
Program: Decoding GeoTIFF data
luciad::expected<std::shared_ptr<Model>, ErrorInfo> modelExpected = GdalModelDecoder::decode(source);
if (modelExpected.has_value()) {
auto model = std::dynamic_pointer_cast<IRasterModel>(*modelExpected);
if (model != nullptr) {
// ...
} else {
ErrorInfo errorInfo = modelExpected.error();
std::cout << "could not be decoded: " << errorInfo.getMessage();
std::cout << std::endl;
var model = GdalModelDecoder.Decode(source);
if (model is IRasterModel rasterModel)
// ...
catch (IOException exception)
Console.Error.WriteLine("Failed to open file '" + source + "': " + exception.Message);
try {
Model model = GdalModelDecoder.decode(source);
if (model instanceof IRasterModel) {
IRasterModel rasterModel = (IRasterModel) model;
// ...
} catch (IOException exception) {
Log.w("", "Failed to open file '" + source + "': " + exception.getMessage());
See Visualizing Raster Data for more information about visualizing raster data.