Why do it?

Using the LuciadCPillar API, you can decode OGC 3D tiles and HSPC data from either a file path or a URL. There may be cases where you want to control how the data is loaded. For example, you want to:

  • Add authentication when loading data from an OGC 3D Tiles server

  • Add an unzip step

  • Use a third-party library to load the data, instead of loading it from the file system

How to do it?

You customize data loading by creating a custom IDataLoader and passing it to the Ogc3DTilesModelDecoder or HspcModelDecoder options when decoding data.

Program: Custom data loader shows an example of a custom data loader that adds a base path to the file path and reads the file from the file system.

Program: Custom data loader
class CustomDataLoader final : public IDataLoader {
std::string _basePath;
explicit CustomDataLoader(std::string basePath) : _basePath(std::move(basePath)) {
luciad::expected<DataEntity, ErrorInfo> load(const std::string& path, const CancellationToken& /*token*/) override {
std::cout << "Custom data loader: '" << path << "'" << std::endl;
auto fullPath = _basePath.append(path);
std::ifstream file(fullPath, std::ios::binary);
if (!file.is_open()) {
std::string message = std::string{"Opening file failed: '"} + path + "'";
ErrorCode errorCode = ErrorCode::Unsupported;
return luciad::make_unexpected(ErrorInfo(errorCode, message));
// Prepare the buffer
// Isolate size
file.seekg(0, std::ifstream::end);
auto size = file.tellg();
file.seekg(0, std::ifstream::beg);
// Load the data into a memory buffer.
MemoryBuffer<uint8_t> data(size);
file.read((char*)data.data(), data.sizeInBytes());
// Success return
DataEntity result{data, ""};
return {result};

Program: Custom data loader usage shows an example of how to use the custom data loader

Program: Custom data loader usage
auto customDataLoader = std::make_shared<CustomDataLoader>("");
auto options = Ogc3DTilesModelDecoder::Options::newBuilder().dataLoader(customDataLoader).build();
auto model = Ogc3DTilesModelDecoder::decode(path.string(), options);