Class TLcdSLDUserLayer

All Implemented Interfaces:
ILcdDataObject, ILcdCloneable, ILcdDeepCloneable, Cloneable

public class TLcdSLDUserLayer extends ALcdSLDLayer
Represents a user-defined layer to be built from WFS, WCS or inline (embedded) feature data.
  • Constructor Details

    • TLcdSLDUserLayer

      public TLcdSLDUserLayer()
      Creates a new TLcdSLDUserLayer instance.
    • TLcdSLDUserLayer

      public TLcdSLDUserLayer(String aName, ALcdSLDLayerStyle[] aSLDLayerStyles, TLcdSLDLayerFeatureConstraints aLayerFeatureConstraints, TLcdSLDRemoteOWS aRemoteOWS)
      Creates a new TLcdSLDUserLayer instance with the given name, layer styles and constraints.
      aName - The name of the layer.
      aSLDLayerStyles - The styles of the layer.
      aLayerFeatureConstraints - The layer feature constraint.
      aRemoteOWS - The reference to a remote server.
    • TLcdSLDUserLayer

      public TLcdSLDUserLayer(TLcdDataType aDataType)
      Creates a new TLcdSLDUserLayer instance.
  • Method Details

    • getRemoteOWS

      public TLcdSLDRemoteOWS getRemoteOWS()
      Returns the remote service associated with this user-defined layer.
      a remote service, or null if no remote service is defined.
    • setRemoteOWS

      public void setRemoteOWS(TLcdSLDRemoteOWS aRemoteOWS)
      Sets a remote service for this user-defined layer. Setting a remote OWS will reset any previously set inline feature.
      aRemoteOWS - a remote service for this user-defined layer.
    • getInlineFeature

      public TLcdSLDInlineFeature getInlineFeature()
      Returns the inline feature associated with this user-defined layer.
      the inline feature associated with this user-defined layer.
    • setInlineFeature

      public void setInlineFeature(TLcdSLDInlineFeature aInlineFeature)
      Sets an inline feature for this user-defined layer. Setting an inline feature will remove any previously set 'RemoteOWS'.
      aInlineFeature - an inline feature for this user-defined layer.
    • addLayerStyle

      public void addLayerStyle(ALcdSLDLayerStyle aLayerStyle)
      Adds a style to this user-defined layer.

      Note that the style instance needs to be a user-defined styles, i.e. an instance of TLcdSLDUserStyle. This is because only user-defined styles can be used for user-defined layers.

      addLayerStyle in class ALcdSLDLayer
      aLayerStyle - the style to be added.